Alright, I didn't want to post without the awesome pictures I took and sketches I got (oh my God, that Juggernaut sketch is thrilling!), but it seems my beloved computer-that-does-imagey-things may be dead for a few more days. Many apologies, guys that I owe stuff to. It's out of my hands for the moment.
So, to report on SDCC. I took my brother with me, so we didn't go to many panels (I reported to CXF for Vertigo, Marvel: Civil War and Wildstorm panels), because he's got the attention span of an ADHD goldfish and putting him through more would be cruelty. We spent most of our time on the ground floor, mostly at the Marvel booth or pestering the hell out of poor Mike Ryan. The latter was a great sport. I also get to be the information guru at the New Excalibur thread for a while, because I mined the poor man for more information than he probably ever expected to share.
I also got a brilliant sketch from him. All told, I walked away from Comicon with:
Siryn - Ryan Sook
Siryn - Dennis Calero
Juggernaut - Philip Tan
Black Tom - Mark Texeira
Black Tom - Mike Ryan
Cyclops - (Need to check signature again?)
Venus - (Oh my God, it's on the tip of my tongue and I don't remember)
Random Character - Josh Middleton
Random Character - Brandon Peterson
Items Won:
Cable & Deadpool TPB
Thor #3
(2) Packs Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Card Decks (including Nick Fury (9) and Elektra (Queen) looking sexy for Jules and Stacy! I'll scan them, my pretties!)
Kabuki: Reflections #2-3, 5
Civil War: "I'm with Iron Man" Bumper Sticker
Other Things:
Oh My Goth! It's Voltaire! T-shirt (Signed)
Voltaire Bat T-Shirt (Signed)
Dr. Doom T-Shirt
Simpsons Comic Book Guy "Worst T-Shirt Ever." T-Shirt
The Devil's Bris (now I don't have to custom order it!)
Kabuki Poster
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Poster
Kabuki: Reflections #1
Ice-Bat Uglydoll
So, basically, as i have been saving up for this all year - I am dead broke.
Sad to see no PAD this time, as I would have loved to drive him batshit insane about Siryn. I did get to pester Mike Ryan a lot, like I said, and sadly it seems Tom's not up for anything soon. Ryan admits he'd love to do a 'team deals with the massive amount of individual trauma' issue, and hell, I'd love to see that too. I also got to meet and take pictures with Voltaire, which was awesome, and which I must now run from Sal for, or so I fear. Very nice man, he was.
I may be commissioning Mike Ryan. Maybe. Probably.
Also, the T-shirts. I got Extra Small T-shirts. OH MY GOD. A T-shirt I'm not drowning in! A neckhole that comes around my neck and not my shoulders! A waist-line that actually matches my waist! A bit tight around the bosoms, but okay, whatever. WHY DON'T STORES SELL SHIRTS THIS SIZE ANYMORE? I'm a small person. Yay. Ish.
The con was amazing all around. There's a sense of being at home with yourself when you're clambering over other nerds, shrieking out the answers to obscure trivia questions to get a free comic book, and you just know - this is your people.