My future home is sadly most expensive.

Jul 02, 2006 19:05

My vacation was to Ashland and not San Fran - which was alright with me, as a) I hadn't gotten many recommendations for where to go and b) oh my god, traffic, nonono! And anyway. Ashland is gorgeous. It was one of those places that just clicked with me, and while I was only there four days, I'd like to live there. Such a pity it's expensive as all hell and like my dream of living in Aspen, is about as unlikely as me growing a set of rainbow-coloured taffy-flavored butterfly wings.

We saw the Importance of Being Earnest and Two Gentlemen of Verona. The former was great fun, since I know the play by heart, and the second was very interestingly done, with Verona being like Amishland and Milan like a country club, and punk rockers. Shakespeare + punk rockers = win.

We also got to go out rafting, and I'll let you know ahead of time: I hate water. I hate being wet. I hate the feeling of wet clothes and hair. About all I can stand is a shower, and any other water is evil, evil, pure SATAN! I hate public pools not because they're unhygienic (though they are), but because inevitably someone will push me in, clothes and all, and I'll be wet for the rest of the bloody day. I'd honestly rather be having oral surgery than be wet for twenty minutes. Speaking of, I have oral surgery August 1st, yaaaaay.

I liked the rafting a lot.

Trying to negotiate time off for the San Diego ComiCon. Mike Ryan will be there, and DAMNED if I don't get to hunt him for a sketch of Tom. Speaking of, owe posts, and I need to upload Neko Case music for Artist Spotlight, because if you don't listen to Neko Case, you are a heathen and worship SATAN and have no taste and are evil*. Or you haven't been shown the light.

Also, swiped from Jemi (loosely):
Tell me one thing that makes you feel happier. It could be "I saw a boy helping an elderly lady down the street today" or "my tutor was nice to me today" or "the world isn't letting Japan commercially hunt whales". Anything that brightens your day a bit.

*Not that I won't talk to you, I like evil peoples. But it's still a capital sin to dislike Neko, you whores.

vacation, comicon, neko case

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