Updates before the squeeing.

May 24, 2006 11:27

I have now read very comprehensive spoilers for NEX #7. I will love it. Amusingly, some of the lines/actions in it resemble scenes of my RP of Tom (particularly a recent one with Ro), which makes me le happy. Oh my gauze. I have such influence.

Job interview on Friday. It would be letting me work with food (scary!) an customer service, woohoo. Which is funny, since I now have a truly nasty moose bite burn on my wrist from cooking. I hide ye with my pretty long-sleeve shirt, ye nasty blistering mess.

Going to see X3 on Friday after the interview and on Saturday - once as a belated present to my brother, who doesn't get why Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut is pure, unfiltered Wrong, and once with my chickfriends.

Still tryung to get a volunteer job at the hospital. Their phone service sucks.

Anyway. Next time you see me I'll be a bouncing ball of squee.

new excalibur, black tom, rp, x3, jobs

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