At the signing. Brought Kitty shirt and that pink portrait I did of Jimmy. Didn't get a chance to meet Kitty, but stood in line with multiple other hot, sweaty, just-got-out-of-that-mosh-pit MSI fans for Jimmy. Worried that my portrait might get damaged so held it against my chest, it got a bit sweaty on the covering but the picture itself is fine.
LJU: Holy shit. This for me?
Lisa: Nah, it's mine.
LJU: It's badass. *signs*
Lisa: *blushes really, really, really red* Man, you saved my life.
LJU: Aww. *leans in and kisses Lisa right smack on the mouth*
Lisa: *nearly faints*
Andie ended up licking his arm and Kita got to feel him up as he surfed a wave of people up to Jimmy's chest. All of us are rifuckulously happy about things. So much excitement! We got to meet one of our heroes!
As for the show itself, it was absolutely awesome. We bought cheap-ass general admission tickets, but soon enough realized that the stage was a) really really small and b) standing room only. Being crazed fans, we jumped into the mosh an hour early (Saosin) in a desperate bid to get close to the stage for MSI.
Saosin was good, but I don't know any of their songs, and really we were all waiting for it to be over so we could get to the good stuff. The sun was directly overhead and the temperature outside the mosh was in the high nineties, so the mosh itself was like a sauna. I swear to God I could have made a koi pond of the puddle between my breasts. We kept using the shirts we'd just bought to pat off the sweat while dancing and being pushed into each other.
Saosin eventually left, and the Saosin fans who'd been in the mosh flooded out, leaving a vacuum for the MSI fans to try and fill. Being both very lucky and very fast, and having been inching closer to the front for the last hour, we were propelled forward almost to the stage. Seriously. There were points where I could reach out and touch Jimmy and Steve. I was close enough to read the writing on Jimmy, including the "LOVE, MONEY" on his wrist, "DICKHEAD" on his underwear elastic, and "I (HEART) CHANTAL" on his hands.
There was only one person in front of me, and I admit she was a bit of a pain. She had really long, thick dreadlocks, and she kept insisting on pouring water on her head (understandable) and then attempting to headbang, which resulted in - smack - those dreadlocks whacking me in the face multiple times. I ended up putting my arms up as a human shield, and so, when pushed forward by the crowd again, accidentally ended up riding on top of her. I'm short and light enough that several times, jammed between various moshers, I would stay for a minute or so off the ground, just floating around and twitching to the music.
And the show. OH MY GOD THE SHOW. Absolutely one of the most energetic, awesome experiences ever. From the very beginning, with the drums loud enough to hear in your chest and the bass that shook the ground, it was incredible. Everyone was dancing and bouncing and screaming happily for the entire thing, and my God, Jimmy's like an energizer bunny. How that man finds that much energy is a mystery. Even chugging Red Bull onstage (and throwing out the can to a bunch of fans who proceded to FIGHT for it) doesn't explain how he can move so quickly, so much, for so long without completely tiring out.
Jimmy really is something else to watch live. He turns even the most random chatter and movements into something hysterical and clever. Dance moves that nobody else could pull off without looking like an idiot seemed awe-inspiring, from the disco arm movements in Kill the Rock to the bizarre dry-humping motions in Clarissa. And really, I don't think three-seconds passed when he wasn't flipping the microphone into various bizarre, dynamic positions, doing odd little kicks and punches, or just being amusing and pretending to sleep on the drum kit and climb things. The rants between the songs were quite funny, and a routine in which he 'lost' his mic in his pants was rather hilarious (a bunch of crowdmembers screaming "we'll get that for you, Jimmy!" wasn't out of place at all).
I didn't get to see Steve much, except after the show (I got to reach out, touch his arm and yell "You rock, Steve!", so I guess not even much after), and for most of the show he was on the other side of the stage and invisible to me. LynZ was top-notch, with that awesome Matrix bend move thing and, upon entering the stage, a display of absolutely sexy power that came from her shaking the ground with a single bass note.
I know a lot of MSI fans think that Kitty's not that important to the band, since so many of the beats are computerized, but live she was absolutely essential. She was almost as entertaining as Jimmy, with her wonderful facial expressions and enthusiasm. When she came onstage I was loud enough to get her attention with a big "I love you lots, Kitty!", and she noticed me, made eye contact and gave me this big-ass grin that was absolutely adorable.
The setlist was:
Shut Me Up
Stupid MF
Kill the Rock
What Do They Know
Capitol P
Planet of the Apes
Straight to Video
Highlights: Clarissa, Faggot, Kill the Rock, What Do They Know, Capitol P, Straight to Video. Straight to Video included the fairy-wings, Capitol P included a DDR pad that led to some hilarious dancing, and Faggot included squealing fans shouting out the ultrasex lines as if it was the only thing they believed in. What Do They Know seemed a bit tired for the first bit, but around the bridge Jimmy found a hidden store of explosive energy and rescued the song from floundering to downright outstanding. And Kill the Rock and Clarissa were hugely welcome surprises, especially the former. I didn't recognize it at first, with such heavy bass and Dreadlocks Girl whacking me in the nose, but by the second line I was squealing with such joy.
Lowlights: Not a one. Every single song was high-energy and amplified by screaming fans shouting out choruses and random statements of adoration ("You're a god!" "I love you!" "I'll suck your dick, Jimmy!", etzah).
Seriously, even casual MSI fans, if you get a chance to see them at Projekt Revolution, DO IT. It's so worth it, and not too expensive, either (travel may be an issue, but that's a separate can of worms).
Placebo sucked, sadly, but we think it was the mixing (too much emphasis and Molko's already nasal vocals) and the fact that they came on after MSI, a very hard act to top.