Why Milly rocks my fuzzy pink oh-so-gothy socks.

Jan 11, 2007 21:43

Ten Reasons Why I Adore Milly and You Should Too

1. He is the grand master of all that is randomly awesome. If there is something that exists on the intarwebz that is randomly awesome, either he’s behind it or he found it first. I swear he must have this little radar that detects anything that involves any combination of Nazis, innuendo, zombies, luchadores, pirate babies, 1337-speak, cyborgs, history and Just Plain Funny.

2. He’s fucking hilarious. I really can’t elaborate more on that, except that he’s had me in absolute stitches several times in the past. If I ever give myself a hernia laughing at something, it’ll undoubtedly be his fault.

3. He is a fucking awesome RPer.

4. He is a fucking awesome writer. Take the awesomeness that is his RP then multiply it by the fact that this is all from the brilliance of his own head, and you have some idea of how awesome it is. But then you’ll still be underestimating.

5. He writes #mtolympus. This ties into #1, #2 and #4, because that is such amazing serial crack. If you don’t read it, do so. Do it now.

6. He listens to me bitch. Those of you that do this often know that I bitch a lot. And he doesn’t complain in the slightest, and just lets me whine and vent to my heart’s content (and then he’ll make me laugh).

7. If I was straight or he was a girl, I’d do him. He’s perdy.

8. He’s pretty single-handedly inspired me to start writing again. After a dry spell as monumental as that last one, that’s quite a feat, and I really can’t thank him enough for doing so.

9. He’s a guru of useful advice. Quite often I don’t know how (or even really want to know how) he knows some of the things he does, but I’ll be damned if it’s not good to know.

10. He’s one of the very sweetest people I know.

Send you best wishes and a naked Wendy O. on your birthday, luv. People made out of pure wonderful deserve only the best.

friends, milly, birthday

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