I'm getting sick of the massive anti-smoking campaigns. Not only they put horror photos on all packs of cigarettes, but now I hear some countries want to leave out the brand name completely, so the pack of cigs would only have the scary pic on it. I think this is excessive. Smoking is bad for you. But so is eating McDonalds and I don't see huge public funded campaigns against it. When I see they sell a Big Mac with a pic of a grossly overweight kid, only then I'll believe they really care about our health. My grandparents smoked and lived quite long and when they died, it wasn't any illness associated with smoking. My great-grandfather lived close to 100 and was a smoker too. My mother who never smoked is fighting dreadful disease after dreadful disease. I don't smoke but I betcha I won't live to cash in pension checks. So while I am sure smoking is bad, I am not sure it is as bad as it is presented now. But I am sure supermarket food causes more cancer than smoking. Then why campaign against smoking and not against unhealthy food?
The kids have stopped smoking not because of expensive campaigns involving celebrities in underwear encouraging people not to smoke, or big scary pics on cig packs. They don't smoke because it's very expensive. It's cheaper to get stoned on 'ethnobotanics'.
Just to be clear, I don't smoke or ever felt the desire to start smoking. But if someone wants to smoke, it's their choice. They know the risks. Don't consider them all retards, trying to scare them with those pics on the cigarette packs! My sister smokes, and I honestly hope she would quit. But pointing to smoking like it's the ONLY source of all evils, health-wise, it's at least questionable. I can envision that the next step would be to make smoking illegal. Then what would be next? Wine and chocolate? Government approved rations of salt?
I guess I am just suspicious when governments want to do some good to us by force .
ETA: I've just seen this pic and felt compelled to add it!