tabloid story

Nov 05, 2008 21:14

Oh yes. I read tabloids on line. It's because I HAVE to know who's cheating on whom among local celebrities and whose cellulite is showing the most. Today I read a story that fits so well my LJ tag "only-in-Romania" that I had to post about it. It's about a Romanian porn star (hahaha, I know what you're thinking!) who made it big in the industry in the US under the name Sandra Romain. The tabloid journalist notes that she was dubbed the queen of double anal penetration, which, he/she explains further, is a specific term in the industry, only attributed to the biggest stars! Wow, how innocent of the tabloid journalist to have no idea what anal double penetration is! But this is not the best part. When Sandra Romain returned home, her relatives subjected her to an EXORCISM!!! Let me guess - was it a forced exorcism?? Shit, we're in 2008. This is Medieval stuff! This should be an infraction, punished by the Criminal Code! The tabloid reports proudly how now Sandra Romain has repented for her sins and returned to church. Another soul saved, another Medieval success story.

I guess the relatives were modern enough not to force her to return the money she won working hard in porn too... And there is no information about them donating the money to the poor or something...

only-in-romania, porn

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