A Month of Fic Day 24

Apr 23, 2016 08:21

24. Dinner - Dragon Knights

Thatz hadn’t planned to be a member of the dragon clan-the longer he was with them, he had to wonder if anyone actually planned to be part of them because there hadn’t been anyone legitimately born into the clan the whole time he was there. Life plans aside, he couldn’t say he regretted ending up there. Sure, there were irritating responsibilities and life threatening situations. Demon hunting was only fun if there was a reward involved. But the perks? Yeah, he couldn’t knock the perks of being a Dragon Knight.

Like the food. It was a rare day when Thatz went hungry these days. If he wanted a feast? Heck yeah, he got that feast! Demon hunting was hungry work! And the Dragon Lord footed most of the bills.

It was a nice, relatively comfy life. Not that his life hadn’t been pretty good before. Thatz was an awesome thief, thank you very much. He brought in just a big a haul as Kitchel ever did, and he’d lived comfortably off it. And yet…

He remembered before he became good at it.

Food was better than any riches, as anyone who’d gone to bed hungry one too many times would tell you. Which was why Thatz always spent what he got on food; use what you have when you have it to enjoy life for as long as possible. Rath got it. Rune didn’t. He didn’t need to know anything about their pasts to understand why. Like knew like.

dragon knights, fanfiction, fanfic

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