Part of me thinks I should make this post private, and only viewable to certain friends, but in realizing somebody else has felt such similar hurt, maybe somebody reading my journal will be comforted knowing *they* aren't the only ones either
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Interestingly, my mother and I have agreed not to exchange gifts this year either. Maybe I'll send something to you instead : )
Soap sounds like a lot of work. You don't raid liposuction clinics too do you?
While I really appreciate the thought, you don't need to send me a gift for Christmas. Buy yourself something special, and post about it. ;o) BUT, what you CAN do, is buy me a drink when I come to Vegas next. Even if it's at the Wild Wild West for their fifty cent happy hour! ;o)
liposuction clinics - OMG, that had me laughing...
You'd be so surprised to know what is actually in soap, and shampoo, and dish soap, and hand soap, etc., etc. And human fat, would actually make the BEST soap, I'm sure! I vary from using oils such as olive and coconut, as well as rendered fat. It's quite an interesting process, and I figure, if the world ever collapses, and the economy goes to hell, and people are living like it was the "Dirty Thirties" again, I at least have a skill that will be good for bartering! ;o)
I am excellent at buying drinks. A master. On the other hand, my friend just bought me a complete martini set for Christmas so perhaps by the time you get here I shall be cabable of making you a drink.
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