Last night was a total mess, babysitting the neighbors because their parents went to see Larry the Cable Guy like 5432435 hours late...jeesh. So they kept calling me and would be like yeah we'll be ready in a half hour then theyd call again and say the same. Tonight is the Trap Banquet. I'm really excited to go. I actually shot descent for my 1st year. Tomorrow mom and me are going to Toona Town. Monday I am going to be job shadowing, so no school for me! Next weekend is ALLIANCE, OHIO with KEITH <333 Craig, MANDYYY, and others. But guesss what is in Alliance, Ohio, absolutely nothing..joyful...but Keith has a car and he can drive soo its all good:) he's going to take me and Manderzz shopping..:)<3. He's like my bro...I <3 that kid..
Thats it for now..
<3 LiSa