Oct 31, 2004 12:49
Hooray! It's finally a beautiful day outside! It's warm and sunny and there's an extra hour today thanks to good ol' daylight savings time. Umm . . . Thursday I went trick or treatin' as a raisin. I didn't get too much candy but I ate it all at once - quite tasty. Friday was Do it in the Dark night - this event that Audrey and I organized to promote the conservation of energy and clean energy. It was basically just an open mic type thing, but we ordered all these apples and caramel from the caf for food, but peole barely ate any, so we were stuck with TONS of apples, so we made apple sauce which was absolutely delicious. Afterward we got dressed up (I was a chef) and went to dance parties, which were quite fun until I suddenly got overwhelmingly tired. but then it was pouring outside, so I played in the rain and then went home where they were watching Drop Dead Gorgeous and then despite unexplicable absolute exhaustion we stayed up until about 4 being obnoxiously loud and then i thought it was a good idea to sleep on the purple pillow of passion despite the fact that my bed was about 20feet away. Saturday I was pretty much tired all day. It was ridiculous - I suppose I was semi-sick or something. I played croquet b/c we had a mad hatter's tea party and went on a walk and ate tons of applesauce and that was about it. there was a party at the house and I ate lots of cake.
Today I ate a waffle - I love waffles. Now I should actually go do some work and read outside b/c it is lovely. I think I'm getting arthritis - that sucks.