May 21, 2004 17:13
Man! I haven't even been home a week, yet, but it feels like forever! I don't think the summer will ever end. The actual 'home' part isn't that bad - actually I'm quite enjoying hangin' out with the fam and friends when I can see them - but that's exactly part of the problem - I don't get to see them very often - I don't get to do anything very often except tromp around the woods checking cicada wing traps and looking for birds nests. I mean - I suppose in retrospect I'll be incredibly glad I did this since its such "great experience" but right now I just feel taken advantage of. First off - I only get paid like 16 hrs a day for like 9 hr (5am-2pm) days and then they expect me to work 7 days a week. And its not like this is easy work - I'm trompin' around cross country carrying unwieldy things such as a nest pole (long pole with a mirror on the end to check nests for eggs) or a scope. And my biological clock is so messed up. I've been going to bed at like 9:30 when this past year I've gone to bed at 1:30. And I haven't had any adjustment periods (ie days to just chill and sleep) and I don't think I'm going to get one. Granted - this "job" really isn't that bad - I mean there are much worse jobs in the world (ie grocery cashier - sorry Audrey, but I HATED that job). I mean it is rather cool walking around in the woods all day even though I do get soaking wet from pushing through all the wet vegetation. And I've learned how to use a compass and several bird calls and all about nests, so it is educational. Basically, all I'm askin' for is a break. I just need a couple days to sleep and do absolutely nothing, so then I'm rearing to go. Okay - sorry - I'm done now and I do feel slightly better.