parabéns Brad!
sr. conectado a matrix
sr. guitarrista fodão
sr. clone-do-serj-tankian como diz a juliana (que na minha opinião não tem nada a ver)
fiquei inspirada pra fazer testes:
Take the quiz:
"What Linkin Park song are you?"
One Step Closer
esse é bem verdade, traduza isso e você saberá quem eu sou.
talvez one step closer seja a minha música depois da forgotten.
Take the quiz:
"Who Are You In LINKIN PARK?"
You Are CHESTER: Your the lead vocals and even though you are always scremsing your guts out you are really a funny loveable nice person underneith,People are drawn to you and your style.they love your openness....
openness? i don´t think so...
Take the quiz:
"Another ultimate LinkinPark quiz!"
YOU KNOW EVERYTHING I PUT INTO THIS QUIZ! trust me, the guys are smiling,they always are but the photographers wont let them
eu acertei tudo \0/ tudo bem que as perguntas eram ridículas =P