"It’s my fault now, I’ve been caught, a sickness in my bones."

Mar 24, 2010 17:58

+ I'm eating a small donut,OM NOM NOM!
+ There's such a sweet,warm weather!Flowers are blossoming,people aren't wearing big scarfs anymore,but eating ice-creams instead.Plus,i have a cold,so yeah,it's definitely spring!
I was so sick and tired of staying home yesterday, i decided to venture outside,which happened to be a big mistake,because:
- I managed to spend 20€ for an awesome pink wallet,and another 10 on this cutie,which i've put in the car already.So much for saving money for my trip to England;
- I ended up waking up today with a sore throat and  a terrible headache.
So yeah,that wasn't a good idea,although it looked like one,yesterday.
+ LOL today i was having lunch and we (me and my parents) started talking about tv shows,and idk if you know that,but both my parents are HUGE House fans,as well as Huddy supporters.So my dad was talking about the episode that aired yesterday here in Italy (the one with Lucas playing pranks on House and Wilson because they bought the House he wanted to buy with Cuddy),and i was like "I HATE LUCAS!" and my dad goes "Yeah,i don't understand why he's with Cuddy.It seems so...WRONG" and my mum "Yes,it seems like she's with him only because she's tired of being alone and because she wants to try to forget House.WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN."  I LOVE MY SHIPPING PARENTS,I'M SO PROUD OF THEM.
+ In other news,i haven't got much to report.Life's pretty dull at the moment,what with me feeling a bit anti-social and being sick and most of my friends being absorbed by work/Uni/boyfriends ,but i don't mind being on my own for a little while.I need time to sort some things out and to calm myself down in order to be ready for my upcoming trip.WHICH IS IN 16 DAYS.OH GOD.
Tonight we're having pizza and then i may watch "Pride and Prejudice" for the 28839283th time.I may.

irene fails, i love my shipping parents, tv show:house, place:england, movie:p&p, ship:huddy, rl:shopping, weather

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