(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 18:13

I was in the car today,okay.The sky was a deep shade of gray,it looked like it was going to rain,i had a terrible headache (thank you so much for that,philology) and was just feeling ~meh~ in general.BUT.I switched on the radio and YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT WAS ON."PASSING AFTERNOON".AND I FREAKED OUT SO MUCH.I called babyhouse13 and we flailed,and that made my day so much better!
Then,i was at the Mc Donald's drive throu,and while waiting i was reading "Confessions of a Shopaholic".And at a point she wants to write an article so she calls a guy who works for a newspaper,and the guy's name was ERIC FOREMAN.Like,i couldn't believe my eyes.I had use my ~internal woooh!~ because i was surrounded by people,but SERIOUSLY.Tmth tmth tmth in just one day.
And it's not over!Some days ago i went to see "Julie&Julia" with a friend.We're at the point were Julia is waiting for her sister at the train station,and suddenly,here she is.JANE LYNCH.Playing Meryl Streeps' freakishly tall sister,dressed in 50's clothes and being all cute and funny.I had to stop myself from screaming "OMG SUE SYLVESTER!!!1" in front of the all cinema.It was AWESOME!So yeah,i really liked the movie,and i found out it's based on a book.So i bought it,okay,and i was reading it.And Julie,the protagonist,has a sort of ~crazy~ friend who always writes her weird e-mails,and there's one about how she wants to create furnitures designed for sex.And she wants to call them "Scthuppenhaus!Yes,like Bauhaus,only scthuppen means getting laid,or something like that...".COME ON,HOUSE/CUDDY PEOPLE.I KNOW THAT VERB IS NOT NEW TO YOU.SHJDKSLDKSHDSJDJSHDGSH!!!!

I love when fandom collides with my RL.It just makes everything full of passion and color,not to mention things become A LOT funnier!I have to go now.Mum's not home and i have to take care of my grandma,ugh.I CAN'T WAIT FOR GLEE TONIGHT!*Hugs you all*

Edit: Apparently,there's no Glee this week.I FAIL.

movie:julie&julia, ship:huddy, irene dies of awesome, tv show:house, tv show:glee, rl:friends, my fandom fucks up my life

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