"I signed him up for People en Español, but I addressed it to Swarlos."

Oct 23, 2009 16:07



+ EPIC EPISODE IS EPIC.A+++++++ to all the directors and writers who come up with all these wonderful ideas.
+ I really liked the potw and his story.He was sure he was going to die at 40 -can you even imagine something like that?I don't know what i would've done probably freak out and die even before.I liked that he tried to protect his son to get hurt,even if that meant he was going to act like an ass.
+ OMG THE TOOTH SCENE.I wasn't looking,I swear.I had hands on my eyes.WHY ON EARTH SOMEONE SHOULD DO THIS.WHY.I hate dentists sfm.
+ THE ~RESURRECTION~ SCENE.FOREMAN YELLING LIKE A GIRL.LOL forevaaaaarr! I hope House will tease him untiil the end of times for this.
+ Wilson talking to Amber.Oh my God,i wanted to hug him.That scene made me cry so hard.
+ Cuddy and her boobs in her glorious outfits.This woman gets more beautiful in every episode.
+ THE HUDDINES!!!Sjkdlskdhsjdhsjd!!!*flails*
"That's not hate,that's foreplay" This girl WINS AT LIFE.
The last scene.I ALMOST HAD A CORONARY WHEN HE GOT SO CLOSE TO HER."You do make me feel funny."
I love how they're being so open and honest about their feelings. "What about us?" He's admitting that there is an "us".I love this knew House.He's still a jerk but he's learned a way to relate to people now.
+ Is Cameron doing something in her life aside from sleeping?

The Big Bang Theory

+ Not my favorite episode so far,but still funny as hell!
+ Of course Sheldon has an eidetic memory.HOW COULD HE NOT.I mean,he's Sheldon,d'uh!
+ SHELDON'S 4 NAPKINS SYSTEM.Lap,hands,face and personal emergency.I swear i'll try it.
+ Leonard and Penny in bed.I HAD TO CLOSE MY EYES,OKAY.I can't stand these twooo!*whines*
+ "Got it.Got it.Got it.Got it. *wtf face* Betty and Veronica?" Oh Sheldon,i love you so much!
+ Will Wheaton and all the ~revenge~ storyline was awesome.Especially the end!*laughs*
+ Penny's friend and Howard should write a book: "How to become friends by complaining about mothers".

Lie to me

+ OMG EPIC,EPIC!!I had goosebumps for all the episode,ngl.
+ I was so scared for Cal and i loved Gillian for not calling the Police.She was so scared the man would've hurt Cal if she did.And when she tried to convince him to let Cal go?I was nearly crying myself.
+ Loker pretending to be an agent was AWESOME!
+ The last scene killed me.I mean,what can i say?If you've watched it,than you know what i'm talking about.


+ Sue Sylvester dancing?HELL YEAH!I loved seeing her ~human~ side,for once.Even if she came back to her normal self very soon,poor bb!
+ What's up with Rachel/Puck??WHEN DID THIS EVEN START.Last episode was all about Finn and Rachel and now,suddenly,she's making out with Puck on her bed.DID I MISS SOMETHING.
+ Emma and Will are so sweet!Their dance was beautiful in every possible way.I really hope Emma won't marry Ken.He's just the consolation prize,and they both know that.
+ I'm so glad there was no ~psycho Terry~ in this episode.She scares me!*hides in the corner*

I also "marathoned" "How i met your mother".I'm at episode 3x10 right now,and I'm enjoying it so much!
+ I love Lily and Marshall as a couple,and as individuals.
+ Marshall staring at Enrique Iglesias with that look of love made me laught so hard,i had tears in my eyes.
+ Barney is ~DA MAN~.He's awesome and legendary,and the main reason why i'm watching this show,I ADMIT IT.
+ The only character i don't really like is Ted.Idk why,he's a bit boring and always needs for someone to explain him things.WAKE UP,TED!
+ I love Barney and Robin.They're so similar,they're both so scared of relationships because they're scared to get hurt.And i think this will eventually be their strength.

I'm going to take a nap now.I woke up early without a reason today and my right hand hurts,ugh.*Hugs flist*

tv show:lie to me, tv show:himym, ship:will/emma, tv show:house, tv show:glee, ship:huddy, ship:barney/robin, tv show:tbbt

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