"House?I'm gonna miss you."

Sep 30, 2009 00:12

Oh my God,where do i even begin.These past two days have been HECTIC.I've been out literally all day long,and i'm tired as hell.
BUT I'm finally done with exams for now (YAY!!) and as soon as i came back home today i watched the new episodes of House and The Big Bang Theory.Which were both AMAZING,by the way!

I have to admit that i thought i downloaded the wrong show when i saw the beginning,lol!Wouldn't be the first time.I was really confused,so i went forward and got another scene with the video-game fighting.WTH.Then i saw Taub and 13 and calmed down,lol.EPIC FAIL,i know.
I really,really,really hated Foreman.He couldn't even wait like,a day before trying to get his former boss' job?!And NO,you're never gonna be as great and as hot as him.So don't even try.Kthnxbye.
CUDDY!!!! ♥♥♥ I missed her SO.MUCH.She was gorgeous.Her face when House told them he was leaving?Priceless
All the scene at Wilson's house was so sweet. Poor bb thinks it's her fault he's leaving the hospital and that she's being narcissistic!

H: "We flirted, we kissed, I fondled, I hallucinated a night with you and yelled it out over the hospital balcony.You're not narcissistic."
C: "Then what am I?"
H: "... not the reason I'm leaving."
C: "House.I'm gonna miss you."


And House cooking?(And may i add,mostly italian food.AH,WE WIN!!).AND FEEDING WILSON WITH A SPOON.
I almost fell of my chair and chocked with laughter at the meatballs scene! "You might have...saved my balls!" lmao lmao!
I really liked 13,too.She was very sweet and totally right about being angry with Foreass.And turning to House for an advice?A++
FOREMAN GOT PWNED,IN THE END!By both thirteen and House,that solved the case via internet!How AWESOME was that.It may sound mean maybe because it is? but enjoyed his FAILURE.And WAY TO GO,dude.Firing your girlfriend because you don't want to loose her it's the way to keep her with you.I always thought Foreman was stupid,but come on...that exceeded all my expectations!

Oh my God,glorious,GLORIOUS.
I won't even talk about the whole Leonard/Penny thing,because frankly that could've been left out and the episode would've been awesome anyway.I'm tired of all this "Let's turn to alcohol because we suck together but we'll never admit it" thing.So yeah,score one to alcohol and poor judgment.
Anyway,Sheldon,Raj and Howard together are something amazing.I seriously can't think of a single scene to talk about,they were all so funny!One thing that sticks to my mind,though,it's the Penny Wii misunderstanding:

S: "I lost this to Wolowitz in an inconsiderate cricket wager."
P: "What,they have Wii cricket now?That can be very popular!"

It's amazing that the first thing she thought about were video-games!They're really all having an influence on her,don't they?

S: "I sense i may have crossed some sort of line."
H: "Don't tell him.Let's see if he can figure it out."
*after a while*
S: "Is this it.It was inappropriate to discuss Leonard and Penny's sex life in front of Leonard and Penny?"
H: *nods*
S: "Ah!Good!Now i can eat!"

lmao,i love you,Sheldon!Please marry me.Kthx.
And telling Penny she and Leonard could always come back to being friends?A++++,Shelly!!
Also,YAY to the disappointing sex!Mwahaha,for everything you did to poor bb Shelly,you deserve this,Leotard!

I'm pretty mean tonight,lol!But i have to say both characters deserved it!
Anyways,i'm so happy my shows are being this awesome!♥♥♥

ship:sheldon/penny, ship:huddy, tv show:house, rl:exams, tv show:tbbt

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