"If you were snogging me,would you expect her to get up and leave?"

Jul 16, 2009 23:58

So.Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince review (well,kinda!).
I really,really,really liked it.Maybe because i'm  hopelessly romantic,and also a Ron/Hermione-Harry/Ginny shipper,but this movie just made time fly by.It was awesome.I felt like I was back home,with friends i haven't seen for a long time.♥
I was disappointed about the absence of Dumbledore's funeral,but the scene was so powerful and sad anyway,so I don't really regret it.
I also shed some tears,hee!When Dumbledore dies,and when Hermione sees Ron and Lavander kissing.Poor bb,i could practically hear her heart break!:( When she attacked Ron with the "Oppugno",i couldn't really blame her.Ron's such a jerk sometimes!Oh oh,and the hospital wing scene!!♥ So much love,you guys,my friend and me were squeeing madly!shghdjskdjshdjs.
I also loved the Draco storyline;I actually felt sorry for him.I've never thought he was really evil,I think he has good feelings inside, that's why he's so torn.In the bathroom scene,where he was crying,I almost wanted to break into the screen and hug him and then rip his clothes off.
And then of course there's Harry,and the Horcruxes,and him falling in love with Ginny.I loved the attack at the Burrow,even if that scene wasn't in the book;I think they put it there just to add more action to the movie and to let us see how strong and powerful this feeling between Harry and Ginny is.I loved that he put himself before her,trying to protect her.
And the cave scene.HOLY SHIT.It was so dark and scary,and when that Inferi came out of the water and grabbed Harry,all the people inside the cinema jumped off their seats,lol!
So yeah,as i said before,I really liked it,and I'm going to watch it again on Monday,though this time in english!
Btw,our cinema EPICALLY FAILED.First,they started the movie with lights still on.Then they finally switched them off after like,10 minutes,and suddenly the movie STOPPED.We waited for 5 minutes,and then it STARTED OVER.So yeah,i watched the first 30 minutes two times already,lol!

Aaaaand I have some HP6 flaily!night pictures!




On our way back home,we found the most hilarious road sign EVER!

That's all!Have a good night,bbs!♥♥♥

PS:I'll never stop wondering why Ginny had to lace up Harry's shoes.
PS2: And why my cat has to sleep on my extension cable.

picspam, epic fail, movie:hp6, irene flails, rl:friends

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