All the lights are shining so brightly everywhere!

Dec 02, 2010 21:24

It's been raining for days,and days,and days.And not like,just in the morning,or in the evening,no.ALL DAY LONG.It gets annoying and depressing after a while,and I'M TIRED OF WET CLOTHES,THEY'RE STICKY AND SHDKFSFSKAKS. /obligatory weather rant.
Anyway,CHRISTMAS SEASON HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN,YAY!!Even though this city thinks dark blue is a festive colour,an it clearly is NOT,I must say the decorations look pretty.I'm planning on decorating my room,too- I've already started,but I want to add lights and a few other things.I watched "The Holiday" today,for what was probably the 200th time,and can I just say that if I switched houses with someone, I would never in a million years find JUDE LAW knocking on my door?This is incredibly sad.I WANT MY OWN JUDE LAW,LIFE!!
I've started looking for Christmas presents,but I haven't got a clue on what to get to basically anyone.FAIL.I already see myself on the 23rd running like crazy to find some last-minute gift for someone because I got a sudden epiphany,lol.Happens every year,and it's kind of funny,because as much as I hate the stress it causes,I love shops during Christmas season,I love how everyone is there to buy things not for themselves,but for others.I love everything about Christmas.Even my dad saying we have to play Risiko on the 24th.Risiko.AT CHRISTMAS.Such a peaceful game,you know?We'll be with my mom's cousin and his children (4 kids under 10 years - KILL ME,please) on the 24th,and at our place with my dad's siblings and my cousin on the 25th.What are your plans for Christmas,flist?Are you going somewhere or staying where you live?

rl:family, movie:the holiday, weather:it fails, holiday:christmas, actor:jude law, lj:flist

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