At least I can say that I tried

Sep 08, 2009 12:09

That's what I always think when I try to do something different with a class of students that are not worth it. Really, some classes are not worth the time I waste preparing stuff for them. That's why I only do that ONCE, I prepare something, see if it works, and then if they just don't care and don't even bother paying any attention to me at all, I just give up and think to myself whatever fuck you all, cause I couldn't care less about them. And then I can say that at least I tried. Because really, I do, I try really hard, but I'm tired of talking to myself, of wasting my precious voice and time with useless people. I try once, if they can't see the value in what I'm doing, then they're not worth it.
At least they paid today, and that was about the only good thing that happened there. I'm so over that place and I haven't even been there for 2 months. I never liked schools, like EVER. It was always such a cruel evil pointless environment to me, and that's still how I feel when I'm there. I was bullied when I was student, for so long, basically all my school life, really. So when I'm there and I'm almost screaming for people to hear me and they don't even turn their heads to look at me, I feel bullied all over again. That's why I never wanted to be a teacher, cause I knew it would be like this, that's what school is like, it's still a cruel evil pointless place, you go there, learn nothing, you get bullied, then you go home. Now as a teacher I go there, teach the walls, then come home. Same shit. Can't wait to get out of this again and for good this time.

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