March 6 Lesson Notes

Mar 06, 2008 19:02

  • On power threes be more assertive, fix opening lobe so that turn is heading towards the boards. Make bad-side threes a knee action to keep body from bouncing.
  • On extended crossovers get closer to boards on end pattern, work on extension.
  • On threes in the field, place back threes properly (line up hip and body to extend edge longer). On forward left insides, make sure free foot acts as a trailing/tracing foot to check the turn.
  • Work on bad side crossovers to lengthen the understroke.
  • On back power-pulls, use back foot to trace the pull. Make sure to scissor arms a bit (especially right arm). Slow them down to keep them from being jerky. On both forwards and backwards do not break at waist.
  • Five step Mohawk sequence has five lobes on each side. Make sure to not windmill arms.
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