Aug 02, 2004 15:11
ok, so i m a huge Big Brother 5 fan, and got the livefeeds..
Drew is sooo f*ing hot! Just take a look at my icon. I cant believe i m going to start school soon. oh my goodness. I hate school. well i saw the villiage. it sucked. I missed the 1st 45 min. Why u ask? Becuase i went to the late show with like 5 other people. People kept talking, and yelling all over the theater. One at the top would be like Whooo whooo, what up bitch. The next one towards the bottom of the theater would be like Shut it N*****. constantly, just yelling. the manager came in. then they called the police, and kicked people out. it was a sold out theater-packed, at the end, there was like 20 people left. becuase they had all been kicked out or got fed up and left. the movie its self @ the end i was like........ What?? i didnt really like it. I did see the Manchurian candidate or soemthing, it was really good. well im really tired, i dont know why its not like i have done anything.....