Jan 06, 2005 11:46
It's been awhile since I've updated this beast but I feel that last nights season premiere of Alias warrants an entry. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the show or chooses not to watch (though I can't understand why when it is the best show on tv right now), you may disregard the following paragraph.
Yay Sydney Bristow!!! Last night's episode was definitely satisfactory. I am excited about the new direction that the show is heading in, and the twists.... J.J. Abrams has one again outdone himself. I'm glad that Vaughn and Syd are back together, once again the ending...or nearly ending...scene between the two of them was wonderfully remniscent of the latter part of Season Two and episode 12 (my favorite of last season) in Season Three. I smell a Nadia/Weiss hook up in the near future...poor Weiss...he's always out of the loop, but I suspect they'll have to recruit him sooner or later, although it may be awhile. Pretty much I am just really pumped that Alias is back, I was going through withdrawl. I missed my Alias buddies though! Brenna! K Swiss! Cassie! Annie! Liz! Ellen! And hearing my dad from upstairs periodically commenting "Jack Bristow" who, I am convinced, is his hero.
Ok, back to non-Alias related subjects. Life back at Carleton is good, it feels great to be back. I was going a little crazy at home, and the last week I was home was very hard in some ways, but I also got to finally clear the air between myself and my mom, which was great, and I got to see all my friends again who FINALLY returned from their schools. I'm jealous that you guys are still loafing at home! Classes this term are definitely going to be more challenging then last term, but I am really excited about all of them. The tennis season starts at the end of January and Captain's Practices start tomorrow! Yay tennis! Let's see, anything else? I don't think so, but I would like to hear from you all....particularly my old Alias buddies...I want to hear your takes on the situation. Maybe this season my "Lisa Scenario" will come true! Only minus Lauren....right.
Better get to lunch and class. Hope everything is great wherever you are reading this!