(no subject)

Dec 28, 2004 14:01

so the last 3 days havent been good at all for me....i was going to go to the movies with maeghan but it snowed out and i didnt want to drive in the snow so we didnt go...so on sunday i sat home all day with nothing to do....eating gummy bears...so then at about 11pm on sunday ngiht i was watching miss congeniality and then the power goes out...so then i remeber that i can still use my laptop if the power still goes out so i watch some of Mean Girls...i love that moviethen went to sleep then work up at about 9:30 and the power was back on!...yay..sooo i sat around for a little bit then went to brush my car off...so that went fine then i had to wait for mandy to get to my car so i could take her to get her car...so everything was going good till we got to the hill by Lee's restaurrant...i was going up the hill fine till i had to stop and let my sister off and then my car just wasnt going to make it up that hill...so i was waiting for mandy to try to get my car up the hill and i was behind my car and i fell on my ass...it hurt soo much...then my dad came out and he got my car so it wasnt stuck anymore...the city of gloucester really needs to plow those roads better....so i was a little bit late for work but they didnt care much becasue everyone was... so everything was going fine till i had the 2nd to last person in my line....i was talking to her about a plant that she had and i loved the pant but my om can never keep it alive....so then all her bags were in the cart and she left...then i rung in the last person in my line and she had like a $40 order and the total was like 140....and she goes what cost soo much? and im like i dont know so i scrolled back up and it turns out that i was tlaking to the lady soo muc hthat she didnt pay... so when u found htat out i was like ohh shit and went outside to see ifshe was still out there and i ddint see her so she left with out paying for her groceries....so then i went to find Kim and she goes what happened becasue i had a worried look on my face then i told her....so she did something and let the last lady in my line pay and then she suspended the womens order that left....and as far as i know as of 4:15 yesterday she didnt come back and pay for her groceries....its all my fault though...i didnt remeind her to pay...omg im soo worried....then today i had to drive 2 times to family car care for mandy and her friend...and i think im on my way for a 3rd time....

well im out....hopefully i still have a job...im thinking that if she didnt come back then i would pay for her groceries because i dont want shaws ro be out $110...even though i hate it there.....
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