Your heart was dying fast and you didn't know what to do

May 05, 2009 23:36

Interesting weekend.  I thought that a pinata would be fun for a Cinco de Mayo party, but who knew that my brother would go ahead and hit Steph in the face with a wiffle ball bat.

Don't get me started on school.  I will only embarrass myself if I share how much of a complete moron I am and how biology is the bane of my existence.

So I've been pretty sensitive, lately.  Everybody has been annoying me!  And now that I think about it, it isn't because I am sensitive.  It is because people are annoying!  I've been surrounded by people who feel the need to bestow upon me (unrequested) advice about everything.  If  I hear somebody say to me "Personally, I think that  you should..." etc. etc., one more time, I swear that I will scream and resort to violence.  And mostly, I tell stories to friends in hopes of receiving sympathy and understanding, not lecturing.  UGH!!

Anyway, this year as a whole sucks so far (except Europe.)  I am dreading the next few weeks.  I am so stressed out from school because I am doing so poorly and I don't know why.  Then, I have to go to Chris' "Commencement Ball", which is a glorified prom, that I don't want to go to because it is, in my opinion, elitist of Boston College to charge students $100/ticket for a juvenile event.  Then, I have graduation.  I don't even want to attend, which brings me into the fact that I hate having relatives over.  I love my aunts and uncles and grandparents, but they're too judgmental.  Especially in a situation that will be revolving around moi, I can only expect it to be more torturous than usual.  Then, they will be gone only to have my French cousins arrive.  I am all about visitors because I love entertaining, but talk about overstaying your welcome when we're talking month long stays.

Oh yeah, it was Chris' birthday on Friday.  Chris annoyed me because I wanted us to go out to dinner, but he said that he already made plans to have dinner with his family.  Then, his family cancelled it, never told me, and then ate a sandwich instead.  Basically, he told me to go over, I didn't eat dinner because we were going out with his family, and I arrived with him having already eaten a sandwich with nothing for me to eat when he could've just not eaten a sandwich because he knew that I wanted to take him out anyway.  That probably sounds kind of confusing, but it really annoyed me because I had kind of planned out the evening.  I know that it was his birthday and he should be able to do anything that he wants, but these things are important to me.  Sure, they're not important to him considering what he has done (or really, what he HASN'T done) for me on my birthday, but I get pleasure from making people feel special.  It kinda ruined the night for me, to tell you the ugly truth.  And when he puked all over the side of my car later that night.

I need to move to somewhere tropical.  I hear that Bali is beautiful...  I would move to SE Asia in a second if I didn't have such a desire to have children.  While I wouldn't mind living in relative poverty in paradise, but I wouldn't want to deprive my children an opportunity to live the more idealized type of life.
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