Look, first of all I'm sorry for not blogging today. I don't count this a blog because I'm probably just going to rant about all the crap I have due and apologize for it.
Second of all, I just want to apologize to a couple of people. Rub, sorry I didn't pick up my phone last night. I completely fell asleep on the couch (ask Yvonne) while watching Family Guy and I'm surprised I slept there until 6am this morning. I apologize for missing your calls and for having you stop by so early to check up on me.. If I had just had my phone near me you wouldn't have had to go through all that. Although I have to admit, it was just so sweet of you to stop by randomly like that.
Andy, I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I told you I would, and I just had a head filled with a million and three things and for some reason your call just didn't make it to the things I managed to do before unexpectedly passing out on the couch. Trust me.. Even eating dinner hardly made that list.
Bon, sorry I got mad at you this morning and like all day.. I really appreciated you letting me borrow your car this morning as I was rushing to class and I didn't mean to yell at you and be all impolite about you not being ready on time. I also really appreciate Frank taking care of you while you were without your car, because it really helped me get to class (well I wouldn't say -on time- but at least) early (or earliER than what I would have been if I had waited behind for you). Anyway, I hope you can forgive me also.
Third of all, I'm going CrAzY!!!!! I have so many exams/projects/presentations/deadlines approaching and happening as we speak and just passing me by that I hardly have time to breathe. I'm honestly surprised I even took the three minutes out of my day to blog.. Maybe
this is why I still find blogging important.
Fourth of all, I don't know why I'm numbering the things I need to get outta my head to concentrate.
Fifth of all, I want to thank a few people. I am SO glad I ran into Dr. Albrecht and Dr. Quintana today to help me with my project.. thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to sit with me and discuss my project with me. [rant]You know, I don't know how seriously the other two group members are taking this project but I'm taking it -very- seriously.. possibly too seriously. I'm going crazy over Bonferroni variations on ANOVA tests and means and standard deviations of three-dimensional data that I just don't know how much more I can take. I am just so frieghtened that Friday when we present that I'm going to be faced with a hoard of questions about the statistics that I won't know what to say and look like a complete moron, as if I didn't care enough about the project to study up on it enough for the answer to that one obscure question. And I do.
Ahhh, I'm so scared of the obscure questions.[/rant]
I also want to thank Rick for running all the way out to his car and lending me his Stats book. I REALLY appreciate it, because I'm really going to need to study up on all these crazy stat tests and stuff.
Also, I want to thank
Robert for getting me an awesome new domain and hosting my first actual webpage! Also, thanks for helping me set up the account and all that fun stuff.. I really can't wait to transfer over to the new domain! Seriously, you've just been a great help at cheering me up and popping up in the most unexpected places for moral support. And good luck on your 8-page paper due tomorrow!! :-O
I wanna thank my parents for getting me dinner tonight :-9 (wow, this is starting to sound like the Acadamy Awards hahhahahaha)
I also want to thank a million other people for helping me with my classes, my project, my psychological well-being, etc. etc. that I don't know where to start or end. I want to thank you, yes YOU, for reading my blog and supporting me.. and possibly leaving a comment after you finish reading my REEEALLY ranty entry ;-)
Sixth of all, my parents want to meet me in 20 MINUTES to eat dinner and they just don't understand how much pressure I'm going through. Hell, even I didn't understand until a few hours ago.
Seventh of all (should I really keep numbering these?) I took my last Environmental Lecture Exam today and I know I could have done so much better if I hadn't been worrying so much about this project.
Eighth of all, I got my Cell Bio Exam III back and I didn't like it at all. And I've got a Micro Lab Final on Thursday.
Ninth of all, I just want to kick back, relax, and play a million games of
Halo 2 and Gunbound.
Tenth of all, I've spent the entire day (CrAzY as it's been) with ONE contact lens. I don't know how I managed to get by. I've been able to see long distances with my left eye and close distances with my right eye, both SIMULTANEOUSLY. I must have super powers or something.