Jul 25, 2005 02:44
So yeah i's been a little while this time around and what has happened......I was supposed to go to NewPort R.I. with Vanvan and Pat but I didn't get to...long story. So on Friday night I ended up going to Wal*Mart and picking up Matties air mattress, then going to CVS to pick up some BC, and then I went home. I was planning on going to the mall to pick up some flip flops but I got there and the sky was pitch black and it wouldn't stop lighting so I said fuck this and drove right home. (my house is only 5 minutes from the mall)I got home and after about 10 minutes of me and my mom watching tv we ended up going down into my brothers room with no windows because we were scared poopless and yeah. Then I drove to Matties and slept over....the storm was over by then.
Saturday we went to go pick up some tubes with Scottie and then headed over to Charlies for Torres birthday party (she turned 2) And me and Mattie played pool and went swimming and just hung around with my mom. We left a little early and went to blockbuster to rent movies and then to Stop and Shop to pick up some steaks to eat. We got back to his house and he cooked dinner, it was actually REALLY good. Then we we wasted time waiting for Scottie and we all watched Office Space. After the movie was over the 3 of us and Matties Dad went and started a fire and sat out there till about 1. After Scottie left and Dad went to bed me and Mattie finished making our bed and slept outside in front of the fire under a bug net. It was fun till the next morning, the sun was beating in our eyes and it was hot as hell.
Sunday I went to work till 11 and then Me, Mattie, Scottie, Jason H., Caleb, and Martin all went tubing down the Deerfield River.....again. LOL it was fun we finished at about 4:30 and then Mattie, Scottie, Caleb and I went to Wal*Mart to pick up my pictures from my Maine trip and hanging out with Savannah. We all stopped by the Polish Club and then headed to Matties and his mom cooked dinner for all of us. We ate out on the deck which was pretty cool, and it was wicked nice out. Then Me and Mattie headed to my house, we watched Constantine and went to bed.....and yeah that's that!
A survey I found online...
[*]gum: Anything that whittens my already white teeth lol
[*]restaurant: AppleBees
[*]drink: Coke
[*]type of weather: A sunny day in the 80's
[*]emotion: Crazy
[*]thing to do on a half day: I wouldn't bother going to school so I'd be hanging with friends all day and probably go to the beach
[*]sport: Soccer
[*]city: Tampa
[*]store: American Eagle
_______When was the last time you_______
[*]cried: Can't remember life is to great right now
[*]played a sport: Hahahaha 4 years ago unless you count just a bunch of friends hanging out playing softball
[*]laughed: An hour ago
[*]hugged someone: An hour ago
[*]kissed someone: An hour ago
[*]felt depressed: This morning
[*]felt overworked: 2 weeks ago
[*]faked sick: In middle school
[*]lied: Just now but he will find out
_______What was the last_______
[*]word you said: "Or What?"
[*]thing you ate: .....Chicken, green beens, and a noodle salad
[*]song you listened to: Mississippi Girl by Faith Hill
[*]thing you drank: Coke
[*]place you went to: Matties house to drop him off and to take a nap
[*]movie you saw: Constantine
[*]movie you rented: Constantine
_______Who was the last person you_______
[*]hugged: Mattie
[*]cried over: My Dad
[*]kissed: Mattie
[*]danced with: Vanvan probably
[*]shared a secret with: Vanvan...she's the only one I tell secrets to
[*]had a sleepover with: Mattie
[*]called: My mama
[*]went to a movie with: Willie Wonka with Vanvan and Dark Water with Vanvan, Pat, and Jason
[*]saw: Mattie
[*]were angry with: Mattie
[*]couldn't take your eyes off: I don't like staring at people so no one
[*]obsessed over: Rascal Flatts
_______Have you ever_______
[*]danced in the rain: Of course it's the best
[*]kissed someone: Yup
[*]slept around: Nope
[*]partied 'til the sun came up: New Years only
[*]had a movie marathon: Nope I can't sit still that long
[*]gone too far on a dare: Nope
[*]spun until you were immensely dizzy: Nope
[*]taken a survey quite like this before: Always
[*] i'm feeling: Annoyed and not listened to
[*] i'm listening to: Jerry Springer
[*] i'm doing: Umm gee I wonder
[*] i'm talking to: Vanvan
[*] i'm craving: Taco Bell
[*] i'm thinking of: Why Mattie doesn't listen to a word I say
[*] i'm hating: Savannah being upset about her loive life and the Mattie not listening situation
[*] love is: L-O-V-E
[*] my first love: Was Eric
[*] my current love life: Almost everything I ever dreamed of
[*] love or lust: Love
[*] best love song: Anything by Rascal Flatts
[*] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: In love with no, love yes
[*] when love hurts, i: Cry, get depressed and eat
[*] is there such thing as love @ first sight? It was a love at first sight
_______Opposite sex_______
[*] turn ons: Nice, funny, outgoing, wants to be outside, wants to constantly be doing something, doesn't have dark eyes, and doesn't mind me farting and burping.
[*] turn offs: Obsession, dark eyes, self centered, and someone who doesn't listen and understand
[*] do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: If it's THE ONE yes if it's just a fling then not really
[*] what kinda hairstyle are you into?: Short
[*] what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: Take me on a vacation, I only say that because it has happened and that's the best time of my life when I go away with
[*] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: No that's just slutty if you're not doing it just to be stupid
_______Picky picky_______
[*] dog or cat: Dog
[*] short or long hair: Girls long, Guys short
[*] sunshine or rain: Sunshine
[*] hugs or kisses: Hugs
[*] summer or winter: Summer
[*] emails or written letters: Written
[*] playstation or nintendo: Playsation 2
[*] car or motorcycle: Motorcycles are hot
[*] house party or club: House party
[*] sing or dance: Dance
[*] freak or slow dance: Depends on my mood
[*] how are you today?: Shitty
[*] what pants are you wearing right now?: I'm not wearing any.....you dirty people I'm wearing shorts
[*] what shirt are you wearing right now? A blue tank
[*] what song are you listening to right now?: None
[*] how is the weather right now? Bright and sunny
[*] who was last person i talked to on the phone?: Mattie
[*] last dream i can remember?: About some kid and a bunch of people running from a guy killing people
[*] what time is it?: 3:27 p.m.
_______More about you!_______
[*] what are the last four digits of your phone number?: 1468 and 4578
[*] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Tickle Me Pink of course
[*] have you ever almost died?: Well I'd say yes at the time because it scared the shit out of me but technically no