My Angel

Feb 28, 2007 10:17

I think the plethora of characterizations in some of the great fic I've been reading lately has inspired me to think more closely about who Angel really is in my head, so I might as well jump on kita & thebratqueen's bandwagon! With one of these:


Has the face of an angel and the body of a god.

Still knows how to use his natural gifts to get what he wants.

Is often mistaken for being less crafty than Angelus.

As a result, gets away with complex manipulation much more easily/often than Angelus ever did.

Is a master communicator when fists/fangs are the medium.

Has terrible linguistic skills.

Has insurpassable lingual skills.

Taught Spike everything he knows about sex.

Is, actually, a better lover than Spike OR The Immortal could ever hope to be.

Could learn a thing or two about love/friendship... if only he'd take a lesson from Spike.

Will always scoff at the notion of respecting Spike.

Will always think it is *his* job to keep Spike in line

Thinks of Faith as a 'kindred spirit'... to Spike

Thinks of Buffy as a ‘kindred spirit’... to William.

Would trust 'Faith' to have his back any day.

Knows better than to say the same for Buffy.

Will never think himself good enough for Buffy.

Recognizes that Buffy is her own woman.

Can't help but still think of Spike as 'his'.

Was jealous when he learned about Buffy and Riley

Was Furious when he learned about Buffy and Spike

Got distracted in his brooding about Riley/Buffy/Spike whilst Darla was around.

Had is his interest in Buffy’s lovers re-awakened when he learned that Riley was involved with the people who chipped Spike.

Not so coincidentally, tracked Riley down just *after* Spike's chip got removed.

Puposely, didn't mention this little tete-a-tete to either Buffy OR Spike.

Made sure Riley couldn’t mention it either.

Often has to correct himself when finds that he is thinking of his friends as 'pets'.

Will never understand why anyone would grant him even the simple gift of friendship.

Has lots more friends than he realizes.

Will always be grateful to Willow for restoring his soul.

Tries not to think about Giles.

Hates that he feels eternally indebted to Xander for doing what needed to be done against Angelus.

Does not take all of the blame for what happened in Sunnydale.

Will never understand why Jenny Calendar didn't just *TELL* him.

Is past punishing himself for Angelus's crimes... and has been for far longer than his human friends realize.

Rages, ceaselessly, against Angelus's flawlessly demonic nature.

Crumbles, more often than anyone knows, to Liam's dangerously flawed human nature.

Spends his brooding time trying to reconcile his behavior as 'Liam' and pondering decisions he’s made *with* his soul.

Can never bring himself to be *that* sorry about the incident in the wine cellar.

Will never be able to stake Drusilla… or Spike

Will always regret staking Penn… and Darla

Steadfastly resists Angelus’s urgings to slip, trip, and turn Lindsey.

Knows that, one day, he will NOT be able to resist his own urge to turn Wesley.

Will never be able to regret making Penn … or Drusilla… or Spike

Will always regret turning Lawson.

Never regrets the decision to give Conner a 'healthy' childhood.

Felt proud when he heard that Conner was enrolled at Stanford.

Will not understand when Conner chooses to leave his 'safe' life for his 'real' life.

Will watch his back anyway.

Will never forget each and every time that Conner betrayed him.

Has never had to forgive Conner his betrayals because he's only ever faulted the boy's circumstances.

Will feel vindicated when Conner manages to face his 'past' without bloodshed.

Will, someday, come to terms with Conner.

Will never understand why his friends want him to apologize for the memory wipe.

Does not ever recall being a 'good' man.

Doubts that he can ever wash away his sins.

Desperately wants to see heaven.

Thinks he deserves hell.

Is doomed to walk this earth for much longer than he can imagine.

bored at work

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