You know ATS/BTVS slash has taken over your life when you're watching a 4400 marathon and you realize that, the running commentary in your head is naming episodes:
- The one wherin Charles Gunn J.August Richards is a guest-star playing Forrest Gates Leonard Roberts a black army guy who's being illegally experimented on and, as a result, is in danger of being 'changed' so fundamentally, that he may/may not qualify as 'human' anymore.
- The one that is my very favourite *fangirl squee* wherein the hottest boy on the show gets written into priceless bits of more than subtextual PunkRockstar!boyslash... make-up, mesh shirts, piercings, lame emo guitar strimming and all *passes out in pool of drool*
But you know you're still a lesbian when you think:
- Well maybe my favourite is the one with the little green lingere and tight little body on that hottie that makes me thank the GODS for gratuitous flesh peddlers in Hollywood!