Man oh man, as you probably know, Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) spewed out the word Nigger at a black man. By the looks of the video, quite a few people got up and walked out. That smarts. Yes, I know it's old news already, but I like to take some time to think about things before I bitch about them.
It's well known that I'm hardly offended by anything. I can't think of one word in the dictionary that bothers me. To the general public, it's definitely uncalled for to spew out the derogatory statement that Richards did the way that he did it. Even I agree to that to some degree.
But why do I say, "to some degree," might you ask? I'll tell you why. Because if the person on stage was Dave Chappelle, that would have been totally acceptable and the audience would have laughed and probably even clapped. Chappelle says nigger all the time and everybody loves it!
But oooh! Richards said it! That's uncalled for!
Now that Richards has opened up the eyes of Jesse Jackson (what big eyes he has!) it is time for America to stop the derogatory terms. Where was he during Chappelle's countless niggerology? Was it acceptable all this time up until Richards did it?
Remember when black people had to drink from a different fountain than white people? Of course you don't remember it. None of us do. We've only read about it. The tables have turned. Now, only black people can drink from the fountain of niggerology and whites better damn well stay away from it or else!
Again, I remind you that I'm not saying it's acceptable, but if people are going to complain about it now, then they should have raised their voices a long time ago when the black man was doing it in front of millions of people.
Touche, pussycat!