I was in the midst of writing Christmas Cards to all my people, procrastinating it with writing a new D/G fic when I was struck by sudden holiday cheer! I hope these will cheer some of you up at this glorious season, or at the very least turn a frown upside down =P
And a small personal message from our most beloved couple ^-^
'Tis peaceful eve, behold, my friends!
The snow outside is falling light.
And near the blazing fireplace,
Two lovers gather for the night.
The Silver Snake is proud and cold,
But in his eyes storm gales of glee.
And Golden Lioness is laughing,
Still teasing him most ruthlessly.
And closely 'neath her strumming heartbeat
Another heart there beats as well.
But this gift yet is undiscovered,
Brought by the sleigh with jingle bells.