I'm duelling banjos at the moment .. playing the S05E20 aired version in Media Player Classic alongside the pre-air in VLC. Both versions seem to have the same definition but there's a very slight, different colour wash, but they seem more equal with the aired in VLC and the pre-air in MPC . The aired has a greener cast, whereas the pre-air has more magenta, but mostly in earlier scenes involving skin tones.
I swapped them around in the players to make sure and yeah, the skin qualities in the aired have had the pink reduced and they are either greener or whiter and sometimes the uniforms are greener too ... It's splitting hairs maybe, but artists might be interested to know. There're the credits to deal with in the early scenes in the aired, the Sci-Fi logo and an advertising banners for shows as well. In the TEMP VFX scenes, there were a few differences - a couple of smoke plumes were different (maybe?), a bit more red on the outside of a spaceship in one scene, different background colours in a few shots - not really that noticeable unless you are comparing them directly, but there are some subtle differences and SF geeks might like to know.
No one not in SGA will probably even recognise the figures but click for my very blurry impressionist version of a very dark, "unrecoverable" cap from The Shrine" BEFORE
AND a 3rd one ~ a slightly different crop this time, with more noise ..., which I think I like better of the two.