Tagged by
dopeydora_67 on this meme.
"Rules: Post the explanation of where your username came from. Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged, post the explanation to your page."
So, I'm not really a girly-girl, feminine type woman and for some weird reason I wanted to make that implicit in my username. I definitely have plenty of yang along with yin. But I also like Greek mythology and my first impulse on getting an LJ account was to go in that direction. I wanted something which had a sense of Ancient Greece, something elegant, but which also accommodated the dual sense of gender identity. Pondering these two aspects, I remembered an interesting mythical Greek character referenced in an XF fic that rocked my world back in 1998/99. The fic was
Oklahoma by Amperage and Livengoo and the Greek figure of myth was
Then two spanners in the works! The first was that
tiresias was already taken. That was actually OK with me. I wasn't sure I wanted the "T" beginning it. Individual letters resonate for me so I was particular, especially about the first one. I wanted something with "L" because that's the letter that starts my name in RL, so liresias it was (or was going to be).
BUT then I misspelt it subtituting "u" for the "a". *facepalm* I did look in my New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (given to me in 1981) to check the spelling at the time, but couldn't find it - the print is really small, the pages are old, yellowed and watermarked from going through a flood. So I went with the "u". The "u-turn" *g* was fortuitous though because
1. I don't have any "a"s in my RL name, so it wasn't crucial to my happiness with my name. I'm more partial to "u" than "a" (as both shape and sound) and
2. when I made my second email account with my server shortly after, I had certain options following the @ mark, so I could shape us@t (UST!). With the "L" one can make the leap to
l...us@t, which seemed rather appropriate given my preoccupation with slash *ggg*.
I also greatly amused myself with the sign of the womb-like @ inserted into the UST. Sex for pleasure vs sex for procreative purposes? I was having fun being provocative - semiotically that is, with us@t. Not that anyone else would have got the particular historical dichotomy! It's a bit obscure these days. LOL!
So, Voila!
liresius I did belatedly snag
liresias too though, just in case I ever decided I wanted it, but I've never used it. I've stuck with this one and I'm happy with it.
So I'm not quite tagging 10, but because I have no idea about these usernames ... I'm curious.
berlinghoff79 causette cassanlynx lavvyan lilithilien (I can guess where the "Ithilien" comes from *g*)
mandragora1 tarlanx and
xanthelj What's the deal?
I'd also love to hear from/about anyone, really! Please feel free to make grabby hands!