Bluewater Spring 1

Aug 09, 2012 12:55

Since it would take forever and a day to go through each household, I think I'll just merge all of them together by season. Especially since none of these households did anything hugely worthy of its own post, and I want to hurry things along so I'm in a position to do something a bit plotty for Maxis Taste's Dare 33.


We begin with Jodie thinking about - what else? Money. Not the hard-working, honest kind though. She's after the quick, set-for-life kind.

Meanwhile, Jason just isn't sure what he wants from life. He'd like to work, and he'd like to be able to buy a big house for him, Jodie and maybe one day a girl and fill it with the same love he indulged in as a child. Even though Jodie is the more assertive, 'mature' (at least in her mind) twin, Jason can't help but feel he should look after her.

Jodie and Jason came to Bluewater Village for a single purpose - to find Malcolm Landgraab. Not that Jason knows that's the true reason. Jodie grew up reading about the 'rugged young millionaire' in the Superstar Report and fell in love with the idea of him. Now she's acting on her teenage crush and she roped Jason into 'planning to start their own business' in Bluewater, where the real estate is dirt cheap. Jason just guesses that Jodie has more important things on her mind.

It's not like Jason doesn't has distractions coming his way too. He's met a nice enough girl, Danielle, but he's not sure if he wants to get serious yet. He's still young and there's plenty of time to find someone.

The Larsons are very strapped for cash at the moment though, and Jason tries to remedy this by digging for treasure while still on a motive high from a date with Dani.

... Which inevitably leads to this. And where is Jodie while all of this is being carried out?

Her favourite, sucking down juice at the bar. She polished off all those drinks there while her brother worked tirelessly so she could sleep in a bed and not a pile of leaves that night. (You'll see this behaviour a lot from my Jodie).

Then Dani dropped by and made me love her. I was elated as soon as I saw that sneaky walk, all Jason had managed to find was a few bones and I was beginning to bank on his high energy motive lasting the night.

And of course, Jodie continues to not lift a finger by watching the (surprisingly late) game on the brand new TV Dani dropped off.
Jodie: [shriek] The Llamas missed a pass!
Jason: [sweat, moan] Of course. That is the worst thing happening right now. [grunt, strain]
Shut up I know loads about American Football.

We come to the end of the Larson's turn (they managed to afford beds in the end), but not before everyone's least favourite part! Makeover! No before pictures because I'm a terrible person.

The furnishings are mostly the result of that TV and a treasure chest, but I'm still not incredibly happy with it. Then again I'm never happy with anything I've made so hopefully once they get some more money I can afford to place some decoration. I'm beginning to say that with every house, aren't I? Well, it's how everyone is ending up.

The upstairs is still quite bare, excuses etc. I don't have any plans for the middle room yet, maybe if they stay here for a long time it could become a children's bedroom.


I've complained about it enough - it's time to show you what I managed to come up with for Landgraab Manor. But look! Is that an attached garage? Did I finally manage to read through something carefully and have the patience to be successful!?
This is another lot I built with my mum. She always wanted to be an architect but never really had the opportunity, so she likes to occasionally help me with big lots I don't think I'd be able to do a good job of. Anyway, on with the tour!

Entering the house, there's a grand staircase with a downstairs half bath tucked behind it and to the right a pool table.  Every millionaire needs to relax once in a while.

To the left of the entrance, there's an archway leading to the dining area. I really like this room, even though it really sucked up Malcolm's funds and the other three bedrooms' furnishings had to be sacrificed.

You can see the kitchen from the dining room and vice versa. There's lots of open space for Malcolm to hold high society functions, as everyone expects of him.
Just ignore the plate, the butler will get it. Speaking of the butler, originally while I was doing some landscaping I had Malcolm call up a gardener, maid and butler. They all spawned with decent names but then my game crashed when my laptop ran out of battery, and when the butler spawned a second time he had the surname 'Pena'.
'Pena, could you fetch the newspaper?'
'Who do those gloves belong to?' 'Oh, they're Pena's.'
Well, if you're pronouncing it the same way I am, it's not exactly 'Jeeves', is it? I changed his surname to the original butler's surname, Ennis. I apologise to all the Penas out there.

Back to the right of the entrance is the living room. There's a flat-screen wall-mounted TV above that stereo, and to the left of the sofa...

... A book nook! Malcolm doesn't strike me as much of a reader himself, but I imagine his father loved his books and Malcolm wants to honour that. There's a glass door there, shall we find out what it leads to?

Malcolm's personal gym! His hobby is fitness, so he gets to keep the indoor pool that I normally dislike. But this is the room I'm proudest of in the house. There's also a sauna close to the door, and some double doors that lead out onto the patio. Let's head through them.

Outside is Malcolm's old hot tub, now susceptible to twigs, leaves and all the trimmings of nature clogging it up. But that's no longer Malcolm's problem - that's the butler's!

Malcolm's mother's passion was gardening, and so he's spent a lot of money on keeping a garden she'd be proud of, even though Malcolm himself doesn't particularly have a green thumb.

He also has a small reflection area where he can sit down after a hard day running his empire. He'd never tell anyone this because he thinks it sounds silly, but when he sits down on that bench he genuinely feels closer to his mother.

Here's an aerial view of downstairs. The upstairs is still seriously uncompleted, so I'm not going to show it. Besides, isn't it time we actually saw some playing happening?

I sent Malcolm down to his Electronic Supercentre to bring in some cash to finish up his bedroom, and the reporter came to visit. My mum was still watching me play and she once owned a toy shop, so watching a sim run a store was slightly confusing and frustrating for her.

For example, when all Malcolm had to do was 'Basic Sell' to Whitney the reporter a few times and then jump rope in the middle of the store to receive a 'Best of the Best Award', she exclaimed, 'Well obviously I was running my business wrong!'

Malcolm was beginning to die of hunger, so I rushed him home to stuff his face full of cookies. Since it was late at night, the butler had gone home and so Malcolm had to fend for himself.

... Which lead to this. And of COURSE since it's a brand-new kitchen I forgot to buy a fire alarm. And of COURSE Whitney the reporter decides now is an excellent time to call Malcolm up for a follow-up chat.

Somehow, Malcolm manages to call the fire department and he falls into bed late, exhausted. This signals the end of Malcolm's turn, so now it's time for the Tinkers!

What's this? Did I actually remember to take some before shots? Why yes I did!!


The Tinkers are going to pack their house full to bursting, so they have plenty of bedrooms. They already have their twins on the way, and they've placed a call to the adoption agency so they can claim some of those wandering children around Bluewater.

... So this was a little bit unsettling. Because I have an age mod that adds 2 weeks to the adult lifespan and takes a week away from elder, I've been aging all the adults down and aging them back up, then using the Sim Blender to shuffle their days left appropriately. Normally they're only younger for a split-second, but Melody got to Stephen before I could age him back up. So yeah, that's Melody playing with her toddlerised father.

Newly adultified, Wanda and Stephen feel they have to validate their age by trying to woohoo on their daughter's bed. Great job guys.

I want to give the Tinkers a pet but since they'll have so many children running around, they needed something low-maintenance. Thankfully, womrats are immortal and only need to be fed every few days! Stephen loves her and names her Coco. Seriously, if I can't find Stephen he'll be playing with Coco.

Wanda and Stephen still act like lovestruck teenagers, which embarrasses their lovestruck teenager to no end. She's got it bad for Dominic Boyle, but her parents are cramping her style.

So, when Dominic finishes his lunch and heads outside to chill out on the swings, Melody rushes to join him. Just look at that face!

That is the face of a teenage girl who is desperately pleading in her head, 'Pleeeeease like me!'

Not that I blame her. Dominic is a nice kid and cleans up well - and he looks like he's keen on Melody too.

Melody always looks so serious, I hope Dominic might be able to bring some smiles out of her.

Just before Dominic has to leave, Melody takes the plunge and admits that she thinks he's pretty cute. He's pleased and says that they should go out sometime.

The rest of the day is fairly uneventful, and the members of the Tinker family settle into sleep.


Gilbert isn't sure what he wants to do with his life, overall. He'd like to have a good time but he doesn't know with who, or doing what.

Currently Gilbert is seeing Breanna Custer semi-frequently, but he knows that as they get older she's looking to become more serious. He's more than a little scared of that.

He doesn't know why they can't keep where they are forever.

They're both having fun, aren't they?

Just as Denise and Gilbert are about to head home, Denise is struck by the beautiful aura surrounding the town's Infalliably Good Warlock. She's reasonably attracted to him, so maybe there's a little romantic company in Denise's future too.

She gets an 'Admire' in to add him to her contacts so she can ring him up later. She has a high bolt for him, and with a bit of tweaking she could probably have a medium two.

The Ramirezes help me end this update on a classy note. These two are the worst canoodlers in Bluewater.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

landgraab, spring 1, tinker, bluewater, jacquet, larson

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