There could be foul play afoot! (Spoiler: There is no foul play afoot.)
Have you ever been on the sims wiki? Probably, a lot of simmers have. Not everyone plays the pre-mades though, so some people might be missing out on the 'Player Stories' section. In particular, missing out on gems such as this:
"-In my game he resurrected his parents and had a daughter named Allison." (Courtesy of Edward Contrary)
... Why would you even bother writing it down? Of course, it's fun to read what other people do with a sim but why would you go through the trouble of editing the wiki just to write a single line of your experience? But I digress.
The point I wanted to bring up was a particular person (or people, perhaps) who seems to be VERY active on the sims. If you go on any player stories page, there's an 85% chance there's a story on that page that looks a little bit like this...
Stella (18) met Johnny Smith (20) and Ophelia Smith (19) during her college years. She fell in love with Johnny, although he loved Ophelia. Two years later, Stella (20), Johnny (22) and Ophelia (21) graduated (they were BFFs). Stella moved into an apartment and found a job in the scientific career. Johnny and Ophelia lived with Pt9 (62), Jenny (59) and Jill (13). Three years later, Stella (23) couldnt pay her rent, so Johnny (25), Ophelia (24), PT9 (65), Jenny (62) and Jill (16) invited her to live with them. PT9 really wanted Stella to get married to his son... Two years later, Johnny (27) and Ophelia (26) had a child: Hannah Smith. She was very cute. Johnny and Ophelia had to work, Jill (18) was now off to college, PT9 (67) and Jenny (64) were too old to look after Hannah, so Stella (25) did. Hannah's first word was Sella (meaning Stella). Two years later, Ophelia (28) said that she didnt love Johnny (29) anymore. He was devastated. They got a divorce. PT9 (69) was very happy but Jenny (66) wasnt. Hannah (2) didnt care, as Ophelia never looked after her... Stella (27) didnt want Johnny to suffer. A year later, Stella (28) and Johnny (30) finally got married. Pt9 (70) and Jenny (67) celebrated. Hannah (3) was very happy. A year later, Stella (29) gave birth to twins: Gordon Smith and Albert Smith! Johnny (31), Pt9 (71), jenny (68) and Hannah (4) were so happy.
I'll spare you the rest as that's about half of it. I really don't mind these stories as it's cool they've though so in-depthly (shhh it's a word now, don't tell the Oxford dictionary) about ages and things like that but this person is EVERYWHERE. Where do they get the time to play all these sims, AND write long, thought-out stories on the wiki? Is it just one person who is intravenously hooked up to their computer, or is it a bunch of people with an incredibly similar writing style? Or perhaps one person did it a few times, and then others were inspired to write in the same way. In any case, I need to get to the bottom of this. I need a magnifying glass and a trench coat. I'm fetching my tools now to carve a hole in my bedroom door to install some frosted glass. WHO IS DOING THIS AND STILL HAS THE BRAIN POWER TO THINK ABOUT AGES.
It's almost like they're showing off about how well they've considered it, putting the age with nearly every time they mention their name.
I mean, I've been playing The Sims 2 for seven years now and it's hard to not think of them as anything more than a bunch of pixels. It's only recently I've been able to let go of my iron fist regarding free will and let my sims show me their true personalities.
I got distracted from my distraction. So yes. Who's doing this, crazy rantings, I'm tired and lame.