Apr 02, 2008 15:54
Three weeks? Eeep... >__< And the sad part was I wrote a post while I was still at work on a little scrap of notepaper a while back...need to find it and write it in here. Writing continues, less on the last nanovel and more on just random (well, random'ish...they're still characters that had been part of the nanovel) character stuffs from the rp room in The Pork.
Which, on a similar but different topic, brings me back to the first 'As Promised...' rp that I posted here under a friends lock. It looks like either I've frightened the other player off (name omitted to protect the other player) or...well, I would say that they just haven't been on but someone in the room mentioned that the person I think that it is had been in the other night. So it just looks like I've frightened them off...I'll update more on that under a friends lock later...including a post that was never sent. ~__^
Need to go back to working on editing/finishing my last nanovel and getting a printed copy of it through lulu...even if I'm still not going to let anyone else read it and I have to pay for it. I might get up off of the first chapter, one of these days, since it's a little less self-indulgent crackfic'ish than the rest of it, but... >__<
We'll see.
the pork,