(no subject)

Dec 05, 2007 08:39

Title: Popcorns
Author: lire_casander
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy.
Rating: R for suggestion.
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 46 - Corn @ dracoharry100
Warnings: Dialogue-only format.
Disclaimer: I do not own in any form or shape these characters, JK Rowling does. Just playing with them for my own amusement and yours.
Author's Notes: Unbeta'ed. Please point out any mistakes you find.
Author's Notes2: This time, I have not been creative with the prompt but I've changed a bit the format. I hope it's not too confusing.

fiction, dracoharry100, harry potter, harry/draco, writing, h/d, drabble

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