Jan 19, 2018 11:19
The Willow Tree Inn's installation of its new Rustic Room has been a smashing success. Patrons appreciate the rounded wooden table, the proximity to other facilities, and the range of offerings. While these do not differ from the standard fare, the added privacy seems to facilitate more leisurely meals.
Guests this season include the local Cardinal family (always aristocratic in their tastes!) and the Jay Crew, as well as some new patrons. The most distinguished of these are the Downies, always chic in their matching black-and-white checks, with Mr. D. sporting the family crest.
Mammal guests have not been neglected. The Greys are frequent visitors, and just today a visitor from the South, the well-known O. Possum, made an unusual midday call.
The proprietors plan to acknowledge their growing popularity by adding a dried mealworm appetizer to the menu.