This is currently a Friends-Only Journal (in a way...)

Mar 18, 2021 11:19

Hi there!

Most of this journal is friends-only. Call me paranoid, but I have seen enough people cut themselves on this Internets thing to be cautious. However, some sections are public; these have to do with my collection of Absurd Locutions and my more presentable meanderings on the Meaning of Life(tm). In particular, readers may find details about my graduate studies, the death of my husband, and other matters that are both private and public. They are there for you to use if you find them useful.

It may be that you are a family member, in which case I'm sorry but I sometimes like to talk about family here and I don't want to hurt your feelings. Which doesn't say I'm talking trash. But, siblings especially, remember how we'd all listen in when Mom talked about us on the phone in order to know what she really thought of us? You can't do that here, and it's a GOOD thing.

Otherwise, maybe you're a co-worker, or a former co-worker, or a fellow student or teacher, or a total stranger, or an acquaintance, or someone who just wanted this user id. Drop me a line, and perchance I shall friend you or tell you why not!
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