(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 12:31

Recent news?  Well, I went to Barcelona with Emma which ROCKED.  It was one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.  (She summed it up well.)  We ate awesome vegetarian paella three times in as many days, saw incredibly original modernista architecture by Gaudi and other people scattered around the city, walked at least 7 hours each day, walked in the warm sun by the Mediterranean, saw art, and talked a lot.  Not in Spanish or Catalan, because I was still spazzing on my Spanish and couldn't say much, although I could understand it... and Catalan is pretty cool and I could vaguely read it.  I like being able to have some kind of a base for Romance languages.  We saw a movie in Romanian, and I caught the gist of some of it.  (The French subtitles helped, of course.)

I babysat for Sofia Coppola yesterday, and in 20 minutes I'm going to go downstairs and see what errands she wants me to run because she doesn't speak French and her boyfriend needs to go practice with his rock band.  Romy is fairly happy and quiet when I talk/sing to her and I'm walking around.  After three hours, this got sort of tiring, but oh well.  They're nice people.  And without the celebrity factor, it's so convenient to have them two flights down- my other babysitting job requires an hour of transportation time.

I'm being utterly unproductive, staying up late reading, sleeping in, and going around to places and eating really good food with Emma.  I actually do have things to do... if I can ever motivate myself...  but in general this is a nice, long vacation time.  I also haven't been speaking much French lately, or to be specific over the past five weeks (my family came, I went back to the US, Emma came), so I need to get back on that.  My second semester starts next week for two classes, and for my other three the week of February 12.  So I will continue to have lots of free time but I can't go away on a long trip.

Now for the things I have to do: Looking for research positions in Boston and applying for other things here or maybe being a counselor or working on the Clearwater in NY; doing my Israel advocacy project for the Legacy people; registering for classes; those awful scholarship applications; getting my carte de sejour (green card).  And in the meantime, eating better so I can actually be happy about my body.  Seriously.
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