Peaceful Morning

Jul 17, 2007 10:55

We've had a pretty peaceful morning, Jet and I.

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I love Rhode's cinnamon rolls, but it's getting hot enough at night that it's not quite as feasible as it used to be to just put the rolls out overnight to rise. They over-rose a bit this morning, so look kind of craggy. But still tasty. I should just make the dough and let it rise in the refrigerator overnight. Whole wheat would be good. :-) But it's a whole dozen of rolls, when we only eat half of them. Hm. I guess I could just freeze half.

I'm realizing that the "tooth pain" is actually like like TMJ pain, i.e. jaw joint problems from when they did the work on the crown. I probably sprained something back there, and it aches when I'm under stress because I have a bad habit of clenching my jaws when I'm under stress or trying to do anything really hard. It's fading faster, now, too. So I think it's getting better. The tooth is sensitive to cold and cold water riinses, but that's to be expected, I think, especially since I still only have the temporary crown in. I'm getting the real one tomorrow.

I realized it while reading up on conjuctivitus in the book that Group Health gave us back in Redmond. *laughter* I decided I might as well read the dentail section while I was in it. I have irritated eyes. Both eyes were affected at the same time, after nearly two hours in the Colorado sunlight without sunglasses or a hat and in the neighborhood pool. I had, for the first time, opened my eyes underwater, with my contacts on, and I suspect that my contact picked up enough chlorine to *stay* irritating as well on top of whatever eyeball sunburn I had. I'd been so good to this point.

So most of the things that are "wrong" with me at the moment are things that are just going to go away. A little comfort treatment won't hurt, but it'll just take care of itself.

So there's some peace in that.

After breakfast, while we watched the "Please and Thank You" episode of Backyardigans, Jet jumped into his clothes and we went to the library as he'd filled in all his railroad tracks for his library prizes! So we zoomed to the library while John went to work at the OUR Center.

I let Jet go to the librarian's desk by himself and he giggled with the librarian over how silly Mr. Sillypants is when he goes camping. He had a great conversation with her, which was cool to watch, and she gave him his prizes, including a nice little top, a bunch of coupons for free stuff, and, best of all, his pick from a bunch of books. He picked Margaret Wise Brown's Two Little Trains though there as a Thomas book, a Curious George Book, and others that might have been more familiar to Jet. I guess he wanted something new.

I got the next Dresden File book and we got Jet some books and videos and went home.

Then we spent a good half hour reading Two Little Trains, taking turns at reading pages. Jet did really, really well at doing his pages. He sounded out a lot of words and remembered a large number of his sight words.

We've spent the rest of the morning peering at the Veggie Tales videos and I'm enjoying having a laptop to write with.

books, health, dentist

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