Feb 03, 2024 11:27
LiveJournal just told me that my journal is 19 years old, yet the earliest entry was in 2001... silly thing
I just haven't really posted in a few years.
Still having overuse issues. Still gaming too much. Actually started a YouTube channel for Deep Rock Galactic, and that actually contributed to even more overuse issues. Lol.
Am in contact with Incandescens and Anne about the last few chapters of Winter War and it will be interesting to see how I manage it.
Son has gone off to Vanderbilt for his PhD. That's a doozy. He's his own person. Really his own person, and I'm proud of me letting go and of him for striking out on his own. And glad I've raised a very loving person.
Deep into restorative justice. THAT you may get to hear about as I work on a podcase/YouTube setup for that. We'll see. I'll hope.