Welcome to My Journal

Jun 12, 2015 17:55

Welcome to my journal. I'm putting this at the top so folks can find things easily. There are so many years' worth of stuff on this journal that it's not that easy to find things. I started out just journaling, but then got into writing fiction as well.

First, trip journals. They're all family friendly. You can also just click the travel tag as well to see everything related to it.

A lot of the trips since 2016 have been one-entry things. I got lazy. But you can see most of them in the two or three pages down from my restart in 2020.

2016 Empty Nest Trip to Canada -- taken while Jet was in Europe
2015 Performance Arts Trip to New York City -- Taken with Jet's band teacher and member of the jazz band
2015 Celebration of Isabel's 90th Birthday -- With the whole Rostykus clan
The 2013 China Trip: A tour of Bejing, Xi'an, Guilin, and Shanghai with John, Jet, and my father.
All our Biloxi Rebuilding Trips: Where John spend seven years and I spent five rebuilding houses post-Katrina in the Gulf.

I want to do a complete index of all the Rostykus-Filley family reunions here, too, and when the New York trip is done, I'll index is here, too.

This is a complete listing of all my stories and fiction, both fanfiction and original fiction I haven't worked on these for a decade, so it's a bit crazier to maintain. There is also some stuff that is not family friendly in that index, but there's a lot of work there, go ahead and check it out.

writing, travel

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