Oh look, I did a thing. It's 2:30 am and I'm tired so I don't know how accurate this is, but:
In the stillness, my isolation is laughing
drenched in red by dripping insanity
My muddy eyes can't even see the tomorrow that forgot to sleep
水面を泳ぐ理想 事実に溺れ滲む
The ideal swimming on water's surface is drowning out the truth
Where are you looking, so sadly?
I can't reach you
一つずつ裂いた思い出 白い壁に赤く
The memories that tore apart, one by one, are turning the white walls red
流れてゆくあなたの体温 瞬きを忘れ見つめていた
Your temperature is being washed away you fixed your gaze upon me, forgetting to blink
微かに残る喪失感 迷いなど無かった
Dimly, that sense of loss remains there were no doubts
忘れてしまいそう 堪えた痛みも涙も
It seems I can't help forgetting the pain I endured, and the tears 1
Why are you looking at me so sadly?
あなたに手を伸ばし 一つずつ裂いた思い出
I reach out my hand to you as the memories that tore apart, one by one
are pouring out, with no destination
Was I wrong?
Don't watch me with sorrowful eyes
Teach it...
Where is the truth?
Let me hear your heart
because I was alone
its ok if it was just a lie
This is compensation for the me who was was weak and didn't try to see anything
すり寄せる頬が冷たくて 吐息も探せない
I want that cheek you used to let me lie close to turn cold I won't even let you catch your breath
寂しさに慣れてたはずなのに 何故 涙溢れる?
I guess I should have grown used to this loneliness so why are these tears overflowing?
一つずつ消えてく思い出 微笑む僕は居ない
One by one the memories are fading I don't smile at them any more
このまま あなたと僕は孤独
Just like this you and I are alone
1 I could also be we/you