(no subject)

Sep 25, 2004 20:15

From one act MSN play to a full five hour action movie, starring Sean Connery and William Farrell:
Sean says:
My bucktoothed friend!
Will says:
Your impeccable shine is quiet exceeding there sir. What brand of toothpaste are ye using?
Sean says:
Why, it's homegrown cabbage.
Will says:
CABBAGE, you say?
Sean says:
Yes. Cabbagge....anyway, How has your mothers goat been latley, I hear it caught a fever.
Will says:
Ohh, yes sire, it sneezed and blew the pighouse down. So we ate the pigs.
Sean says:
And your mother, how has she been. It's been quiet awhile since she has bothered to call my sister, Emily. I thought they had quiet a thing going there. My sister is hurt, and I seek vengance! *dundundun*
Daniel says:
You shall never take my mother!@#!!!!!!!
*sword fight*
Will says:
Sean says:
So you see, young Jedi, that's where I like to stick my lightsabre.
Sean says:
Sean says:
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