Challenge 1: Harry/Padma

Jul 20, 2006 20:29

As today's my birthday, I decided I felt like something different. So I'm offering two challenges. If someone answers one of them to my satisfaction, they may request a themed list of their choice (provided it doesn't go against the rules I'll post below).

Why this pairing?
I've read two brilliant fics where Harry was paired with her. Different Timeline by Crys and Object Lessons Trilogy by Jeconais. (Unfortunately there are no other H/P-fics.) And they somehow made me feel that Padma is the perfect girl for Harry.

- Padma is a Ravenclaw which means she's as intelligent as Hermione but perhaps less bossy.
- Unlike her flittery sister who loves divination, makeup, etc., while we don't know much about her, as a Ravenclaw she gives off the impression that she is a lot more serious and calm.

So I'd absolutely love to read more stories with that pairing.

- Fic has to be at least 5000 words long.
- While we don't know much about Padma, I want the fic to differentiate her from other girls somehow. I have read way too many Harry/Pansy-fics where you could replace the name Pansy not just with every other Slytherin-girl but with pretty much every other girl Harry's age... Decide upon a thing or two which you think might make Padma unique.
- No established pairing.
- No "one-off". (Fic should leave you with the impression that Harry and Padma lived together happily ever after.)
- No smutty PWP.
- Story has to take place at Hogwarts while they are still students.
- Extra bonus if it's post-HBP.

I'll gladly accept to beta any story that is written as response to my challenge. (And the challenge is not limited to one fic. If more than one person answers it, the better: we need more Harry/Padma-love. ;) )

Concerning the fic-list:
- I will not redo a list that has been done already by someone else (even if that other list is not being updated anymore). It's rather impolite for one thing and it's a lot of useless work, recoding stuff that has already been collected and coded.
- I will also not accept to do a list that would take months to compile properly, such as a Harry/Draco-pairing list or a list that features all Marauder-fics. In other words, no "limitless" lists.
- There should actually be more than two or three fics fitting the requirements. Compiling a list featuring the Giant Squid paired up with a human might be amusing but will prove mostly useless. ;)
- While I prefer compiling lists that contain primarily fics I myself read (which is mostly Harry-centric with Harry on the side of Light), I'll do my best to fulfill a request for a list with a theme I don't much care about.

Edit: csi-tokyo3 answered it with Take Out the Seeker.
Other challenge-responses welcome. :)


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