I made a
Harry/Ginny list last week and in making it, I realized that there weren't any more Harry/Hermione rec lists out there than there were for Harry/Ginny. While I don't really ship Harry/Hermione (I prefer Harry/Ginny or Harry/Odd) and I feel that Hermione is more of a sister to Harry, I have enjoyed the one or the other Harry/Hermione.
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Sadly, my favourite H/Hr (Arya's Acceptance of Fate) has been abandoned for ages.
I would, however, add wetback's The Lost Wizard series:
The Great Hall was crowded for the end of year feast. The cheering was broken by a scream as a hooded figure drifted behind her as she stood in shock to see the end of a sword extruding from her chest.
Post-OotP. Complete. Rated T. The series doesn't really become H/Hr, though, until the sequel, The Lost Witch:
On the train home with the events of the murder still fresh on their minds and the memory of Harry's depression from last year, Hermione accompanies him. There she must help him find what he needs to finally defeat Voldemort.
Complete. Rated M. There are additional sequels The Lost Worlds (M, and I didn't like it as much) and the WIP The Lost Warning (M, currently at 11 chapters.)
I'm also surprised you listed old-crow's No Thanks and not his (IMHO) better post-HBP fic, Tom and Harry:
JKR ended HBP dangling like a half-played chess match between the light side and the dark side. Both sides have taken some of their opponent’s pieces, and each side had strong pieces left. Riddle had just taken an important piece with the death of Dumbledore and seemingly had the advantage. Harry had discovered important information regarding Voldemort with the discovery of the Horcruxes. This story tells my version about how the rest of that chess match might play out. The story is not so much about ships as sides, and the struggle of a young man to rebuild and lead a broken army. Various characters will be hurt or killed during the course of this story.
Despite what he said in the summary, the H/Hr ship turns out to be very important. M, complete.
I did not list "Tom and Harry" because I wasn't aware it was H/Hr. I've read both "Letters" and "No Thanks" and the beginning of "Apprentices" and I finally gave up on his fics because his dislike for Ron is so apparent in his fics. I can deal with good-chars-gone-bad if it serves the fic but in his case it really was obvious that he disliked Ron and thus wrote him out of every fic more or less contrivedly.
And I wouldn't be surprised if his latest fic is indeed his best. Good authors often become better the more they write. :)
Maybe I'll even try reading it. ;)
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