My Answers for the 35 Things

Feb 01, 2008 23:23

I realized that most of these questions I would answer the same regardless of who is asking them to me. Therefore, instead of posting this on all of my friends 35 Things post, I'm posting my answers once. The answers that will actually change based on the person asking I will leave blank. When you comment here, I'll answer those questions as they pertain to you.

1) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
Two, actually. Awesome, right?

2) What was your dream growing up?
This is actually difficult for me. I kind of entertained other people's dreams, like being a firefighter or a lawyer, and never really wanted to do those things myself. I did tend to tell myself stories though, and I think I might have dreamed of those stories actually being true.

3) What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could purr. And wiggle my ears. And lift one eyebrow to the point where someone notices I'm doing it and it doesn't just look like I'm grimacing. And curl my tongue. Just one wish? Psssh.

4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Sea Breeze. Mmm, cranberry-grapefruit flavor~ Now I'm thirsty.

5) Favorite vegetable?
Tomato's are fruit so it'll have to be celery. Or broccoli. But only if I have dip to eat with them.

6) What was the last book you read?
The Wizard, The Witch, and Two Girls From Jersey. It was actually pretty good.

7) What zodiac sign are you?

8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
No tattoos and no piercings, although I used to have the ears.

9) Worst Habit?
The most pervasive one is my OCD tendency to count my footsteps when I'm walking on the sidewalk or tiled floor; I have to not step on the cracks and take the same number of steps each time.

10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
[person specific]

11) What is your favorite sport?
I hate sports. D: To actually do, probably swimming. Even if I suck.

12) Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude?
Depends. I'm bi-polar/manic depressive so I have mood swings.

13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?

14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Probably the manic episode I endured from about December 2005 through April 2006. That really fucked my life up for a while. Ask for details if you like.

15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
I have an oral fixation; I chew gum all the time 'cause it keeps my mouth busy and when I don't have gum I resort to chewing on people. However, I feel obliged to point out that even when I have gum, or candy, I still chew on people. People are tasty. :D

16) Do you have any pets?
At dad's (where I usually live) I have one dog, Harley. At mom's I have another dog (both are samoyeds), Katrin, and a cat, Kuriimu. I want to get a cat here at dad's house, but my dad keeps insisting that we shouldn't. He has been looking at cat adoption websites, though, so maybe I'll get lucky.

17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
[person specific]

18) What was your first impression of me?
[person specific]

19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
They're definitely not cute, but I'm not particularly afraid of them either.

20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
It's probably shallow, but I would make my boobs a little bigger. I don't want enormous tits (I actually like small to medium sized breasts better), but I could do with a little cleavage.

21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
[person specific]

22) What color eyes do you have?
Brown. Boring, right? But I have been complimented on them.

23) Ever been arrested?

24) Bottle or can soda?
Bottle, because they're usually bigger and you can re-seal them so you don't have to drink it all at once.

25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
I'd save it, spending it slowly as new manga and videogames come out. Although I'd probably splurge and buy a bunch of candy first. And some lemon squares. I've been craving lemon squares.

27) What's your favorite place to hang at?
These days, Katie and Michael's or the student lounge at MC.

28) Do you believe in ghosts?
I don't know. I wouldn't really want to be a ghost, when I die. I'd rather be reincarnated. And as a person, not some animal. I don't believe people are reincarnated as animals -- just people in different life situations.

29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Read? :D

30) Do you swear a lot?
Hell yes. I think my favorite word is fuck. xD Or maybe cunt. My mother is trying to get my siblings and me to cut down though.

31) Biggest pet peeve?
Oooh, difficult. For now I'll just say mean-spirited/malicious people.

32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?

33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
Heck yes. And I believe you can be in love with more than just one person.

35) Do you believe in God?
I'm not sure. I like to believe that there's more out there than just us humans, but I don't believe in an afterlife. I think reincarnation makes more sense.

36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
Already did. :D

Fun, right? ^^

meme, 35 things

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