I don't remember if I've mentioned this yet, since I'm back to dividing time between el-jay and gee-jay, but Thursdays at the Lodge School are half days.
'Course, I don't really care about school letting out early right now; my eyes are burning and I've got this delightful, pounding headache. Myrr. Not in the most chipper of moods right now, but perhaps I shouldn't whine?
On the up side, Karasu-sama posted a meme in her greatestjournal -- one of those ficbit memes. You list your fandoms and people issue a fandom, a pairing, and a keyword. In response, you write the person a drabble or ficbit. Karasu's done two for me already and welcomed a third request. She's still going, so people can
check the entry out here if they're interested. Dunno if Karasu'll do anonymous requests, but she's being really gracious about it, so I'd say she will.
*is rather hoping more people chime in, since she'd like to read OTHER people's ficbits, too*
I'm too lazy to put the meme up myself, though. Not in a mood to be writing fanfiction upon request.
And... That's about it, I do believe.
Am still making my way through the potterfic, after all.