August Word Count Finagling

Sep 05, 2010 07:06

Yeah, pretty much all of my words this month are HiNaBN fanfic. But I did write a tiny, microscopic amount of my own stuff. Yeah, yeah, time for the tallies.

-By The Silver Chain - 3,606 words
-He Likes Being Bitten - 1,822 words
-Services Rendered - 2,538 words
-Bros for Life - 3,620 words
-Pushing the Envelope - 10,217 words
-Shoot the Messenger - 2,140 words
-Ple$ha on the Clock - 4,186 words
-Never Going to Fit - 4,260 words
-Youthful Indiscretion - 1,606 words
-Coin and Pill Capsules - 6,229 words
-Power of Suggestion - 946 words
-A Novel Entitlement - 5,954 words
-100 Themes Outline - 6,155 words
-Differing Expectations - 1,993 words
-I Remember Exercise - 1,389 words

TOTAL WORDS THUS FAR: 56,661 words.

OH MY FUCKING FUCK WITH FUCK ON TOP. This is equal to the most I have ever written for nanowrimo in seven years of participation. I have quite simply never written more than this amount in one month. I can say this because I'm NOT counting another 1.5k words of incomplete outline, and another 2k words from two fics I've started but not yet completed. Or about 400 words of haiku and maybe 400 more words of ideas for a chaptered fic. If I actually counted these little pieces of things that I figure I'll put in September's tally, when they're done, it would be over 60k words this month.

Oh and it also isn't including, say, my RP with Tasha which is well over 20k words. That's at least 10k out of me, and I know I never count RP for this, but that would bring the total up to 70k fucking words.

I feel awesome. Yeah, it's fanfic, but I kicked it's fucking ass. And By The Silver Chain is a short story with my characters, and the writing exercise is also nothing to do with fandom, it's from class. There'll be more stuff for class, and then nanowrimo in November which should hopefully give me 50k words at the least of my own writing. My plan is still to actually write up stuff about my narrator when I'm closer to the month, start to figure out who he associates with and how the world he lives in works, and then devise a plot. The idea seems to be going kind of cyberpunk, with a heavy dose of psychic stuff.

In other news, now that I actually have a fandom again, I felt compelled to attempt one of those insane fandom challenges. I'm doing the 100 Themes on ygallery, not one of the LJ ones, but it's the same word-theme driven insanity. And it merited 6k words of fucking OUTLINE. I've given myself until the end of May to complete it before I have to be disappointed with myself. We'll see how that goes.

I'm also trying to make a claim on the 30kisses comm, and uh... Even if for some reason I'm not accepted (it occurred to me that some of these LJ things don't count webcomics as fandoms, but I swear I read all the rules and didn't see anything like that) I'm probably still going to write the story idea I've gotten going from it, because I've already written a third of an outline and got myself all worked up. So I'm clearly insane.


NEW YEAR TOTAL: 243,377 words


writing, get your words out, word count

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